Average Weight Gain During Pregnancy info


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Found this in Tri 3 and thought it was interesting so stole it :D

Baby: 7-8 pounds
Placenta: 1-2 pounds
Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
Uterus: 2 pounds
Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
Maternal blood : 4 pounds
Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds

How much total weight should I gain?
The amount of weight you should gain depends on your weight before pregnancy. You should gain:

25-37 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy.
28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy.
15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy.
At what rate should I gain weight during my pregnancy?
How much you should gain depends on your weight before you were pregnant and how far along you are in your pregnancy.

Healthy weight before pregnancy:

3-5 pounds during the first trimester
Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the second trimester
Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the third trimester
Underweight before pregnancy:
5-6 pounds or more in your first trimester; this also can depend on how underweight you were before pregnancy & your health care provider's recommendations
1-2 pounds per week in the second and third trimesters
Overweight before pregnancy:
Approximately 1-2 pounds in the first trimester
Approximately 1 pound per week during the last six months

I lost about 4lbs over the first few weeks so I'm only back up to my normal weight now at almost 14 weeks. My nausea has come back a bit so this week as an example (off work with dodgy back) I can eat what I want but have only managed:

Breakfast: youghurt
Lunch: 2 rounds of bread with either cheese or jam
Dinner: Smaller than normal portions as I just can't seem to eat as much
Snacks: few and far between

Am I eating too little? Before I did my back in I couldn't fill myself but now I'm back down to my wedding dress diet levels. They say you should eat for one during Tri 1 & 2 and you only need to increase your intake a bit in Tri 3.
I found this calculator quite useful:


I don't know if it's going to come up with my measurements - if so, sorry, you'll just have to overwrite them!

Apparently I'm not putting on weight quite fast enough - but I'm still within normal range, so I'm not worried. If you've thrown up a lot, you may well be under. I don't have any such reason - I haven't been sick at all, and I am most definitely eating three proper meals a day plus snacks. This was yesterday's diet:

breakfast: 2 weetabix, full-fat milk, home-made smoothie with banana, blueberries, yoghurt, 1 slice of toast with peanut butter, nectarine
morning snack: 2 crumpets, banana, apple.
lunch: jacket potato, ham, salad, beetroot, coleslaw. 2 plums.
mid-afternoon: hot chocolate, slice of cake in cafe
evening: bowl of pistachios
dinner: pasta, veggie sauce, a punnet of strawberries :oops: with yoghurt, half a punnet of cherries.

And loads of water.

I've put on 500g since getting pg, I'll be 16w on Monday. I have no idea where the food's going - I don't even have a bump yet.

Ah well, any excuse to have more food!

My goodness, I look like a pig based on a normal day's diet :oops: :oops: :rotfl:

ETA - btw, I really am normal weight, I promise! BMI is now almost 22!
My BMI is 27 and back when I was getting married I was 25. Not being funny but when my boobs weigh 8lbs alone and I can wear tight tee's without looking fat I don't get it!

Oh and I was a bad girl - I had 3 bits of toast as I didn't think I was eating enough! :rotfl:
I lost just under a stone in my sickness weeks and am only 1lb more now than before I was preggers, so technically I haven't gained much at all. I am all bump at the moment, so hopefully won't put on too much weight in tri 3! :)
my bmi was underweight before i fell for this little one and i have already put on a stone :shock:

with my first i put on 4 stone :? :eek:

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