weight,feeds and sleeping


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2007
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hi everyone my ds is 6 weks tomorrow - he is 9lb 4, taking 7oz every 4 hrs and is fairly settled but a couple of q's
i think the sleep might be more related to weight than age - so what weight was yor lo and
how much food did the baby take before they sleep for 7/8 hrs at night

finally sometines he crys between feeds but is not hungry - whats that all about????

My LO is still feeding about every 4 hours during the night (her last weighing was 10lb 5oz). She takes 4-5oz at each feed.

Crying between feeds not related to hunger could be due to:
- Needing a nappy change
- Suffering from trapped wind/colic
- Boredom
- Feeling tired and wanting to be rocked/cuddled to sleep
At 6 weeks Nathan was 12lb 8oz and taking 6 7oz bottles. He was taking one in the night at 4am. He started sleeping through at 8 weeks I think.
Charlotte is nearly 8 weeks and weighed 10 pounds 13 today. SHe is on 5 oz 3 or 4 hourly, goes bit longer at night, and is feeding at around 7p.m, midnight and 5 a.m

Some babies sleep through really young and others don't...i hope we are luckly!!
Maddison is 8 weeks old and is on 5oz every 3 hours and weighs 9lbs (she was only 4lbs 15oz at birth though). She has her last feed at 10:30pm and is asleep by 11pm and doesnt wake until 6am for next feed on most nights :D
Imogen is 3 months today and has a 4oz bottle every 4 hours during the day and was 9 15 when i had her weighed last but it was over a month ago,so im guessing shes 11lb plus now.
And at night time shes in bed by 8 and usually asleep by half past if not before and has a bottle at random times but usually were only up once or twice with her.
DD slept through 12 hours from 6.5 weeks (I know I'm lucky) and very rarely wakes in the night now and she's 15 weeks (I think 4 times since she started sleeping through). She now sleeps 12-14 hours a night and naps about 3 or 4 times a day. She is exclusively breastfed so I have no idea what volume of milk she is taking per feed, but she feeds approx 5 times a day, but I feed on demand, so this changes daily. Previous to 6.5 weeks when she began sleeping through, she had been sleeping 10pm or 11pm til 6am or 7am from 5 weeks.

She was 8lb 3.5oz at birth and put on weight quickly. By 6 weeks I think she weighed 11lb something. She slowed down through (usual for b/fed baby) and is now 12lb 11oz. Some people said I should have woken her to be fed when she started sleeping through so early but I never did and she's absolutely fine.

Valentine Xxx
jayla is 8 weeks old feeding 50z every 3-4 hours.( she goes longer in the day time.
i think my baby has day and night confused. because shes awake more in the night then the day!

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