Weight at 7 months ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
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I weighed phoebe at home the other day and she is only 16lb and looking at the chart this is quite a bit below average and she was 9lb 10oz at birth. What did or do your babies weigh at 7 months,thanks :D xx
i have no idea as i didn't get rachael weighed fom 18 weeks until the other day on her 9 month review :oops:
Aimee was weighed just before she was 7 months and she was 16lb exactly.
Jake was 7lb 2oz born and at 7 months he was about 16lb or maybe slightly less. Jake is now 8 months old and weighs 16lb 4oz. He is just under the 9th centile on his weight chart.
Aimees going along just above the 9th centile, she 19 months now and is just 21lb. Some babies are just ment to be smaller! It was clear with Aimee from her being about 4 weeks old when she stated gaining weigh REALLY slowly.
alice is just over 7 months, and yesterday she was 16lbs 6 oz. she was 6lbs 1 oz at birth.
Just a thought but what did you use to weigh her? None of our home scales are good enough to weigh that sort of weight. It could be they are giving you an incorrect figure if you are using normal adult scales.

Last time I weighed Ellie was when I was in the waiting room at the vets, I put her on the animal scales and she was just over 9kg (20lb) fully clothed etc. However she was nearly 11months at that point.
Nicky_Jones said:
Just a thought but what did you use to weigh her? None of our home scales are good enough to weigh that sort of weight. It could be they are giving you an incorrect figure if you are using normal adult scales.

Last time I weighed Ellie was when I was in the waiting room at the vets, I put her on the animal scales and she was just over 9kg (20lb) fully clothed etc. However she was nearly 11months at that point.

good point hun it was just the home scales,will take her next week to be weighed properly :D xx
God Soph must be a right bloater, she was 19lb 1 last week! :lol:

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