weight at 2??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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I'm really worried about Haydens weight- he was 8lb 10 at birth and always stayed roughly on the 75th centile-
he was really sick in march and lost lots of weight when he was in hospital but i had'nt weighed him since!
he eats loads and loads- he has had a massive growth spurt this last few weeks where his height has shot up, he's always been slight in frame but tall and a healthy weight..anyway i weighed him at my mums last night and hes only 28lb- hes dropped to the 50th centile according to his red book..in the hospital when they weighed him he was about 22lb but he had been really sick and wasn't keeping any fluids or food down for a week so had to be fed through a ng tube- i knew he had lost a lot of weight as his size 5+ nappies were hanging off him but i'm not exactly sure what his weight was before that..do you think i should take him to the doctor? even though he is literally eating me out of house and home at the moment he doesnt gain much weight!!

I think, if he's on the 50th percentile, then that's absolutely fine. Right in the middle.

Get him weighed in a week or 2 and see whether he's now following that centile line or whether he's continuing to dip below it. I think if he's following it there's nothing to worry about.

Also, if he's eating well then he's obviously happy and healthy so don't worry!

Aimee was 8lb 11oz born and shes now 31 months and only weighs 28lbs. Maybe just keep a closer eye on his weight to make sure he doesn't loose any more. If not the 50th centile is fine. Aimee goes between the 9th and the 25th.
I don't think you've anything to worry about fran - he sounds fine. 50th percentile is well within normal ranges so he sounds in perfect health.

Valentine Xxx
thank you ladies :hug: :hug:
i'm at my mums tonight and she has said the same-
i was the same as Hayden skinny and long! and she says he is perfectly healthy and if she thought
otherwise she would say so! i just got worried coz i thought 28lb sounded so light for his age! but he eats so much i haven't any need to worry really :D

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