Not enough weight gain/milk


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I am really struggling ladies, Anton cries when I put him down and sometime feeds for a very long time. I went to weight him today and he only gained 140 gr in a week, he should weight 170 gr more according to the centile line.
I don't think I have enough milk, what can I do?
Mw suggested I express in the morning and give it to him in the evening.
hmmm. is he o na low centile line anyway? for example joshua flits all the time between the 80th (roughly) and the 50th. potentially there are some home remedies that can improve milk supply such as oats i believe (bfeeders will be better at that one)! Does he have enough wet/dirty nappies? xx
Try not to worry atm hun. It's totally normal for a newborn breastfed baby to be pretty much attached to you. your body will always make enough milk so please don't worry about that, if you weren't he would be crying on the breast, not when put down.

I would say as long as he is gaining try not to worry about that too. What line was he born on? What is he following now?

Oscar was born on the 75th, dropped to the 50th and stayed following that until he was weaned and went back up to the 75th, and is now up to the 91st lol
Just wanted to update - A was born on 50th centile, was dropping and nearly got to 9th so i started topping up, he is now above 25th and heading towards 50th, he is on 50th for everything else as well.
He is on meds for reflux and dairy free diet (for me) and special formula for him.

I have a much happier baby now
So pleased everything is going well now Hun xx
So pleased everything is going well now Hun xx
Thanks hun,I am so pleased with thesupport here, would never have thought about cow's milk allergy.

I have been on a dairy free diet for over 2 weeks now, sudstituting with soya milk but he started getting wind so soya is out for now too.

I can eat porridge with water and drink my coffee black,very exciting:):wall2:
Have you tried rice milk hun? It's naturally sweet too, it's really lovely xxx
Glad things have improved. You could also try goats milk/cheese often it's only cows milk that causes the problems.
Glad you've found a solution and LO is doing better.

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