Breastfeeding, af, jabs, growth spurt and fussing. Aagh!

Valley Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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Here's my problem. Lo had 1st jabs last wed, & has had cold symptoms & mild reaction making him really miserable. My af started at weekend, spotting &1 day heavy bleeding, now stopped. I presume it was af. Also my hv mentioned a 12 wk growth spurt. My problem is that at mo lo is fussing through EVERY feed & I don't know which of reasons above is causing it! When he was weighed he had dipped from 75th centile 4 weight to 50th, could he be catching up? He's very alert &active & still chubby. Help appreciated
My LO went through a stage of fussing at every feed and i never found an answer to what was causing it she just grew out of it on her own :hug:
Valley Girl said:
When he was weighed he had dipped from 75th centile 4 weight to 50th, could he be catching up? He's very alert &active & still chubby. Help appreciated

Hi hun,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time.

Is your baby breastfed? My DD is and went from 75th to 50th to 25th to 9th centile within about 10 weeks - the charts in the red books are for formula fed babies and breastfed babies tend to be a bit leaner - so don't worry if he's still happy and healthy and putting on some weight. If he's formula fed, then I wouldn't worry either, he's still putting on weight well on the 50th centile.

I've got my first AF too - I'd forgotten how horrible they were - many sympathies.

I hope he's feeling okay after his jabs.


Valentine Xxx
If he's got a cold it may explain why he's fussing - perhaps he can't breathe easily & feed at the same time - maybe you could try some saline drops like Nasosal before a feed to unblock his little tubes.
if you are bf - there are fidderent sheets to mark their weight on you just have to ask your HV for them :hug:
Thank you, I didn't know there were different sheets! I'll ask my hv. Anyone else's boobs seemed less full at this stage? He seems to be getting enough but he likes both sides now. I guess my supply will step up.
Thank you, I didn't know there were different sheets! I'll ask my hv. Anyone else's boobs seemed less full at this stage? He seems to be getting enough but he likes both sides now. I guess my supply will step up.
Valley Girl said:
Anyone else's boobs seemed less full at this stage?

Definitely - my boobs have rarely felt full after 2/3 months and my supply totally settled down - but I've always had plenty of milk for DD.

Valentine Xxx
Valley Girl said:
Anyone else's boobs seemed less full at this stage?

Definitely - my boobs have rarely felt full after 2/3 months and my supply totally settled down - but I've always had plenty of milk for DD.

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Valley Girl said:
Anyone else's boobs seemed less full at this stage?

Definitely - my boobs have rarely felt full after 2/3 months and my supply totally settled down - but I've always had plenty of milk for DD.

Valentine Xxx

Same here -it's very rare that I leak these days or get really lumpy boobs where they're too full.

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