Weight after stopping the pill


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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Ok I'm starting to feel v down now. I'm convinced my pill has been masking some sort of problem. My cycles still are all over the place after being off the pill nearly 10 months. I'm so tired all the time amongst other things and I'm just piling on the weight, I've really noticed it and it's getting me down. Before I stopped the pill I was weighed at was 8 st 13. A couple of months ago I was weighed again and I was 9st 13. And tonight I weighed myself and I'm 10st 13!!!!! That's 2 stone in about a year. If anything I've been eating healthier over the past year.... I only eat fresh food, no meat or dairy and not many processed foods at all.

Anyone else had these sort of probs with weight since stopping the pill?
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I got acne, put on weight and my cycles are all over the place! Wish I'd never gone on the pill in the first place! I only went on it to try and control my heavy and painful periods.
Yeh I've had acne too :( Wishing the exact same thing. Bloody pill.
I've had weight gain whilst on the pill - still doing everything the same as before but the lb kept piling on!!! Also my face has been full of acne for a couple of years and I'm 34 in June!!!

I have just come off the pill (mini pill) and my face is clearing up already after only 2 weeks - can't comment on the weight - I have lost 4lb but have had food poisoning! oops.

I would speak to your doctor about the weight gain tbh as you are doing everything right with your diet :)
I have noticed that i get more spots now i am off the pill, especially round my chin area! but my weight has been ok, when i came off the pill i lost about 3 pounds. I exercise like a loon though, but when i have 'treat' weekends which consist of lots of chocolate and other nice things, i put on weight very quickly whereas on the pill i never did. I would go to the doctors to have a blood test to check your hormone levels xxxx

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