Wedding Ideas!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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We were originally planning on 15th Sept 07, but we both want to TTC for another next year.

We dont have thousands to spend on a wedding (my best m8 gets married on 3rd sept and it's costing her 17k) I dont think its worth it for 1 day to be honest.

So I am thinking of bringing it forward to April, so we will have a couple of grand to spend.

Got a church, but what do I do after coz all the hotels and meals are £40 per head! Rip of, Id rather make steak pie and chips! :rotfl: Then its £9 a head for the buffet at nite.

It all adds up...Anyone share any advice/experiences? Yvonne hun what are u doing? :think:
we only had friends & family for the meal... was 24 people including me & G, was expensive... but we just had a table in the restaurant so didn't have room hire... the food came to about £450 and the wine was seperate (my dad paid for the wine so can't remember!)

And said to everyone they were welcome to come down to the hotel and meet us in the bar and we could all have drinks, but we didn't put food on, just said to come down after they'd had their dinner! lol!!
No-one minded and just ate lots of the cake!!!

When mum & dad got married they went to a pub afterwards and everyone paid for their own meal... but they only had 6 people at the wedding!! :rotfl:
We are having a church wedding at 3pm so we avoid the sit down meal to save money etc so having the reception back at MILs, will have a buffet/cake etc !
Then having an evening do from 7pm at a local hotel, disco etc!

Not planning to spend to much! £2000 max! dont have the money to spend like that on just one day, i know its supposed to be the specialist day of your life etc but you dont need to spend a fortune!!

17k !! :shock: crikey!! that would be a nice deposit on a house for me!!! lol dont see how people can spend soooooooo much!!! :shock:

I did a wedding thread a while ago, will find it and bump it up as people put some really good, money saving ideas on there!!

17K would pay off a decent amt of the mortgage!!
Couldn't imagine paying that for 1 day!
We were lucky cos we didn't really pay for anything was split between parents, and Nanna & Grandad paid to get the photo's developed (there was over 400 taken on the day) Uncle Chris took the photos so we kind of cheated!
And we had some throw away camera's that we gave to random people which we paid to get developed so we had random pictures not just the ones that Chris paid for

HayleyB said:
We were lucky cos we didn't really pay for anything was split between parents,xox

we are hoping for the same! everyone is chipping in so hopefully it will leave us not having to fork out to much!!!!!! :lol:
Parents are the best!! lol!!

The food seemed expensive as a total, but grahams dad and step mum paid half, and his mum and step dad paid the other half! So they didn't mind!! lol!!!
ild just book a cheap room usually about £40/50 and do it up my self with loads of nice flowers and ribbons and make my own food :)

but im not even engaged so im not thinking about it :(

my wedding is going to be white and pink though :angel:
Ours was about £4000 inc my dress. It can be done so cheaply and so lovely too.
My top tip is to rope in family and friends that may have anything to offer! You'll be amazed with what you can cover cheaply.

For example......
My aunty made my cakes....Yum Yum


My uncle drove me and my family in his white VW PAssat
My friend made invites and stationary
My Husbands friends took photos
My Bridesmaid borrowed her dress off a friend
I did my own makeup and friend did my hair
Between me and my family we decorated a local village hall it looked gorgeous, and it was so cheap to do.
Flowers could have been done more cheaply, but my mum made the table decorations with oasis and greenery pinched from a friends garden LOL
Dads friend did our disco for free (it was VERY cheesy LOL!)

Any way i could go on, but im sure its all a bit boring he he.
What im trying to say is utilise people, if they are the same as my mates and family, they love doing something for your special day.
Good Luck. April sounds great. xxx
After the ceremony we went to a local restaurant and had paella - everyone scary seating plan, no table decorations, no place names.

We hired the town hall for our evening do and bought all the booze for the bar ourselves - including some from Iceland - they delivered for free too! And gave us a wedding card - bless.

Majestic Wine Warehouse do sale or return so we bought loads, but took loads back.. They do free glass hire too.

A friend of the family ran the bar for the night and everyone was so
p!ssed and pleased at the free bar I think they'd have forgiven us anything.

We spent almost no money on clothes/flowers/makeup/stag and hen dos. Spent it all on a band, food and DRINK! Was the best day ever.
Coz I got married in blackpool (there were 20 of us) we had the evening reception a week or so later back home and did the catering myself coz I love doing stuff like that, room was very cheap and did the decorations myself too but if youre doing it all on the same day then it would be too much fuss. Have you a few mates who could work together to do you a buffet for the evening? An hour off a few people and it'll be done in no time.
maybebaby i love that dress its gorgeous.

we got marriedonthe cheap, bought a dress from debenhams, it was £100. registry office then back to sister in laws for a buffet. kids had a bouncy castle. loved the day, wish it had been warmed though plus the only way it could have been better for me would have been getting married abroad in Ibiza. just love that place.
Why not have a retro style wedding? You can have a buffet with cheese and pineapple on sticks and sausage rolls and hire an old skool DJ in a commumity centre hall, tounge in cheek but cheap! I bet everyone would have a real laugh and it would really stand out as a wedding everyone would remember. Other than that you could just fly off to Vegas with your OH, we did it for about £2000 all in :wink:
This may sound selfish,I got married at Sandals in Dunns River Jamaica,and that was about 4k but with honeymoon thrown in so I thought that was good.

When we came home we had a reception in the local hall mum done the buffet but then she spcialises in cordon bleu (old fashioned now,lol). That was about 6oo£

I got my dress by paying £30 a week for 18 months before the big day.
BTW eBay paid for my wedding,lol,
K X said:
It all adds up...Anyone share any advice/experiences? Yvonne hun what are u doing? :think:

I want a smaller do than i am actually planning!

I keep thinking about it and i will only get embarrassed.

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