wedding dress for a pregnant woman


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I'm looking for my wedding dress, I want a simple, cheap but gorgeous dress (it's just the registry ceremony). I will be 18 weeks pregnant when I get married which means it's got to have enough room for a small but visible bump. I'm normally a size 8 but my boobs have gone huge so i'm looking to buy a size 10 dress. I want it to be greek-style, meaning tight on the cleavage area and quite large and 'flowy' on the body, sorry i hope im making sense. a bit like this -
i won't buy that one cuz it's stillnot quite what im looking for but something along those lines...
If anyone finds a nice dress online or know of any good shops where i can find a nice dress for under 200pounds please let me know. 3 weeks to go and i'm getting a bit scared!
hey laetitia,

these are a few links i found for someone else asking the same question a few months ago (not too sure about what the pricings are though but thought you might like to have a look): ... resses.php ... hp?cat=254

This one is an american company but they deliver worldwide: ... .html?pg=1

hope that helps, good luck finding a dress hun :D
OopsyDaisy said:
You seen this one from Jojo Maman Bebe? ... tegory=CSC

It comes in ivory and chocolate - I bought the choc coloured one to attend a friend's wedding but the ivory one would look good as a wedding dress.

it's gorgeous. But I was thinking of getting a dress that comes down my knees cuz I wanna wear one of those georgeous wedding hats and they don't go with long dresses. But thanks I actually really like the dress
The reason I bought that dress shown above is because it is long enough to hide my legs! My legs are so chunky, and my ankles have swollen a bit too, and it was difficult finding something that length! Took me ages to find a long length dress!

Here's a shorter wedding dress that I've found, see if you like this one: ... udrey.html
laetitia i think the monsoon dress you posted is beautiful, it would never suit me in a million years tho :(
I bought my wedding dress from a shop in Camden (for £80!). Although I wasn't pregnant at the time, it would have worked if I had been as it had a lace up bodice (with plenty of room for adjustment) and plenty of room in the skirt too. It was blue velvet, though, as it was for an April wedding. However, out of the way shops like that might be worth investigating. If there's enough material, they can always be adjusted, too.
OopsyDaisy said:
The reason I bought that dress shown above is because it is long enough to hide my legs! My legs are so chunky, and my ankles have swollen a bit too, and it was difficult finding something that length! Took me ages to find a long length dress!

Here's a shorter wedding dress that I've found, see if you like this one: ... udrey.html

I quite like this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AllieW said:
I bought my wedding dress from a shop in Camden (for £80!). Although I wasn't pregnant at the time, it would have worked if I had been as it had a lace up bodice (with plenty of room for adjustment) and plenty of room in the skirt too. It was blue velvet, though, as it was for an April wedding. However, out of the way shops like that might be worth investigating. If there's enough material, they can always be adjusted, too.

OMG I work in camden so i'm there everyday, and to be honest i was tempted more than once to buy a dress from there cuz there are some gorgeous frocks
tangerinedream said:
laetitia i think the monsoon dress you posted is beautiful, it would never suit me in a million years tho :(
and i'm thinking it might be the one i'll end up buying, although i was a bit hesitant

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