

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Amber has started weaning today! For a while now she has been on 9oz bottles every 2-3 hours and completely draining them and she has started to wake up in the night again for a feed. She was sleeping 8.30 to 8.30 but has started to wake up at around 1am for a bottle. I spoke to the health visitor today and explained all this and she said Amber is definatly ready for weaning and to introduce baby rice with one of her feeds. We did it with her last bottle of the night which was at 7.30 and we used some of the milk for the rice and then gave her the rest of her bottle. She absolutely loved the rice! Although most of it went all over her face and hands!! She went up to her cot at half 8 as usual, went straight to sleep and haven't heard a peep out of her! I went to check on her and she didn't even stir! (she usually stirs a little) she's fast asleep! I feel a bit clueless with the weaning and kind of like I don't really know what I'm doing! But I guess it will come to me and we'll get into a routine with it. How did you girls start weaning your LO's and how did they take to it?
Also, I had Amber weighed today and she is 13lbs 3 and a half oz!!
I started Angel at 18 weeks. I gave her baby rice for a couple of days but she screwed her nose up. I switched to rusk which she absolutely loved, but i stopped as i found out it's got a lot of sugar in so went back to rice. I spoke to my HV who said it was pointless and to go onto veg. So for one day i did a mix of carrot and rice, then went straight for the veg. It was one meal a day of either carrot or sweet potato. I froze it in ice cube trays and she just had one cube per meal, then upped it after 2-3 weeks to 2 cubes. I also gave her a yogurt. They say not to give yogurt til 6 months but my HV was all for it and you can buy petit filous that say 4-6 months on. I didn't put her onto 2 meals until she was 5 months old.

Just go with your instincts more than anything. I never followed books and guidelines as i would worry me and stop me doing things i knew she was ready for.

It's all very daunting but you soon get into it.
I'ds agree with Lisa, gowith what you think Amber wants. We started a week on baby rice at 17 weeks whihc he liked but it's really sticky once it goes eveywhere. Switched to a vegtable puree after a week, I don't recall when we went to two meals but at 6 months we went to three plus finger food snacks (finger food satrted at 5 months).

If you want recipe ideas Annable Karmel seems to be the guru on this. I don't agree with all her advice but have made some of her recipes with a variable amount of success, she also gives guidlines of what age to give certian food groups (wheat, eggs etc) whihc i find useful as a refernce.


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