Tw is traditional weaning. Blw is baby led. Key differences being with Tw you purree everything and as baby grows you make your mushes coarser and chunkier until you are eventually giving solid solids. You feed baby with a spoon and you as the adult generally lead the way. With baby led weaning your baby leads as its feeding itself. Therefore technically you can't wean them before they are ready as they will lack the necessary skills (co-ordination, sitting unaided etc) until they are 6 months ish. You skip purree and offer thick chip sized pieces of food to begin with (whatever you're having really as opposed to specific purree) and baby explores, plays etc and learns (slowly) that this new toy tastes good and makes their tummy full. It can take tome for then ro actually swallow but unlike a Tw baby who learns to swallow first then learns to chew later a blw baby learns to chew and move food safely around their mouths and swallowing comes later. Many people are afraid of their baby choking but actually they learn safely as at 6months their tag reflex is towards the front of their mouths so their body knows if something is too large the body expels it. Delaying finger goods until older as sometimes the case with Tw for fear of choking is not always a way to guarantee safe eating as by then baby is used to larger volumes of food and is genuinely hunger so can over stuff their mouths. A blw baby still has mainly milk for some time with the ethos of food for fun until their one. However its whatever suits your family. Blw is much slower, messier but follows on well from breadth feeing with you trusting your baby to eat the amount they need (scientifically they have less probs with over eating as aren't encouraged to have 'just one more mouthful') etc but there's a great book by gill rapley if its something people are interested in. It's best just to make an informed choice. Good luck x (we are blw incase no one had guessed ;o)