Weaning too soon


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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I started my little jodie on Solids last week because she seemed really hungry after a 9 oz bottle of hungry baby food every 3 hours so I thought she must need more and started her on baby rice. She had baby rice and rusk for about 5 days and she seemed really grumpy and cut down on her milk intake down to between 4 and 7 oz She had diaorrea and lots of wind. Then i remembered My baby whisperer book and read through that. It stated try do put off weaning till later with a baby with reflux which we have always suspected she had. But never confirmed so we stopped the solids and she is great taking bottles normally she's very content and full of smiles again. Can anyone relate do you think her little tummy wasn't ready at 15 weeks. Her gran told me off for not weaning her(the mother in law knows best NOT) I think i did the right thing or should i been persistant.[/img]
Maybe sounds like she wasnt ready.
Harley is 18weks now and for the past week he has been having 1 rusk with baby milk at 5pm. he loves it and has been fine with it, today i tryed him with mushy chicken and sweetcorn he was heaving with it :roll: think iv given him a taste for sweet things and he aint looking back :?

Harley does have reflux was on gaviscon but the weaning has helped alot hes still sick after but no were near as much.
I think you did right stopping her feeds, your baby wil let you know when she is ready for it and ignore everyone else, Just say oh yeah i will try that thanks, then do what you want.
Guidlines have changed loads since our mums had us.
I think you are right and Jodies tummy just wasn't ready, Also this is just my opinion but i would stick to baby rice realy runny and not give her rusks as these are packed with sugar.

I still don't give Jack rusks as they contain more sugar than a 'proper biscuit
i weaned Braydon at 17 weeks but should really have started a few weeks earlier but everyone sed not to and i still did it to early apperently
ull know wen she is ready no one else will
Thanx Laydeezzzzzzzzzz mother in laws talk a bit of crap anyway. I reacon i should start a post on mother in laws ha ha. I think you are right ill know when she is ready. Ps your children are sooooooooo cute i can't share a pic of jodie with you all i cant work it out im a novice iv'e tried putting it on for a couple of weeks now. Im sure ill get their for her first day at school ha ha nice to hear from you all you all so nice. tar for advice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPaula n Jodie
awwwif u wana advice with a pic try PMin urchin she is great with technical stuff lol
hehe Im sure there used to be a thread for mother in law rants!

I think you did the right thing, let your baby guide you :D

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