Weaning off bottle


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Hi I am looking for advise on weaning baby off bottle I have no idea where to start I tried giving him his dinner time bottle in a cup but he just screams. he isnt 12 month yet so he still needs milk just need to get him drinking from a cup. Any advise please?

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Didn't want to read and run but my son wouldn't have a bottle past 10 months and refused it so went on to a cup have you tried with juice first then move to putting milk in it xx
He is fine with water and juice in the cup but the second he tastes milk he screams. My hv recommended I get him off bottle asap cos I have my second due in 6 weeks. I think its a good idea just dont know where to start.

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Maybe try getting him one that he can see milk in or a diff one for milk and juice do they are separate xx
you could do a special milk cup for him!!!!! with j he was never a massive fan of milk in a beaker at first but we just put it in one and left it up to him. if he was hungry he would have it and he did really quickly. Saying that though joshua would have any food from anywhere. HAha x
My is 16months and still has milk in a bottle once a day, he wont take it out a cup but tbh im not too worried about it and in no rush to stop.
I wouldn't be in a rush hun especialy as u have a new lo due let him let you know when he's ready to give them up and he'll probably want the comfort they provide when the new los here x

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Thanks, today we got him a new cup and he has been happy to take his milk from it. Hv said he might get jelous of new babys bottles if not and should be easier now than later. He hasnt drunk as much with it but he was drinking too much anyway, he eats really well so doesnt need it.

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Thanks, today we got him a new cup and he has been happy to take his milk from it. Hv said he might get jelous of new babys bottles if not and should be easier now than later. He hasnt drunk as much with it but he was drinking too much anyway, he eats really well so doesnt need it.

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Glad he now has a special beaker for milk, that's what we do, beaker for water and nonspil tall big boys beaker for milk in evening:lol:

good luck with birth number 2

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