Weaning - meat???


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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When did you introduce meat to your LO?

I started weaning LO at 18 weeks and was advised by HV that since i was techincally 'early' weaning him, to just stick to fruit and veg. I want to start introducing a bot more variety but not sure if i should give him meat??
We weaned earlier but waited until 6 months before giving meat. Can't remember why but we did :lol:
Wait till he reaches 6 months.... Thats the age they can pretty much have everything except honey and runny eggs as their tummies are mature... besides he wont notice that his diet isn't varied... You don't miss what you've never had. :)

If you are going to give meat though the best ones are white meats, chicken and fish. THey are easier to digest than red meats. :)

I didn't introduce meats to lil miss till she was 8 months and she started joining in our meals. It was too much hassle making up 2 meals. :roll:
6 months as Squig explained :)
LO is fine onf fruit and veg. Could always try new fruits and veggies. Loads of winter veggies around and some great fruits atm. Galen is chomping his way through mango in recent days and loving it.
Tally has the same meat as us now, has done for a few weeks, we started her off on just fruit and veg and she's never had a problem with it, and her tummy seems fine with meat too, she also seems to much prefer the taste of meals with meat in them. I had seen stuff about not giving it until 6 months but i like to think i know my baby better then any book and she's quite happy, she just eats pretty much the same as us as long as it doesn't have dairy added to it.

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