Weaning - how much, how quickly?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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We'll start weaning next weekend, when Samira will be 6 months old. :) Thing is, I've pretty much forgotten how I went about this with my older 2 - such a long time ago! - and whilst I can find plenty of recipes on the internet, I can't find any information on how quickly you increase the variety of foods you give, and the numbers of meals you give per day. I remember we started with baby rice once a day - but when do I start giving a second and then a third meal? Any advice welcome! Thanks! :)
Hi Hun, we introduced an eextra meal after about a week but Will was never a big milk drinker but has really taken to solids. Have a look in the 'Feeding' section for much more info and threads Hun. Xx
I introduced just a small amount of puréed food between bottles to get him used to it. Depends how you are weaning too Hun x
I started with Phoebe at 4.5 months just on porridge for breakfast then at 5-5.5 months introduced lunch and then at 6 months dinner and snacks. Maybe set a target for when you think she should be on 3 meals a day and then just gradually introduce the meals one at a time x

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I started off with rice/porridge, 2 spoonfuls only - a day- then after 4 days, more spoonfuls, then after about a week, started lunch, did that for a week then started dinner.

We have just started (yesterday). He took a few mouthfuls of creamy potato and carrot. Then it became apparent he didn't want any more. Today he couldn't get enough! Your LO will let you know how much they want. Basically all I'm doing is starting off with savoury veg purees for lunch. Trying not to start him on sweet things as I'd rather he got to like savoury first. But that's just what I want to do. There is no real right or wrong on weaning apparently. Went to a weaning class on Wednesday and they said if starting from 6 months, give mashed food rather then pureed food. Pureed food is better for early starters. The main thing is its going to be messy but it needs to be fun too.xx

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I went by him really iykwim and if he wanted more. Moved to 3 meals fairly quickly. X

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