Weaning at 4 months


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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It looks like we'll be starting early or atleast giving a few spoons of purée after milk feed as she isn't gaining enough weight, I was just wondering what food can I PUree for her as I've heard about developing allergies etc. is it just fruit and veg? What kinds? and fresh or frozen or does it not matter? Thanks Xxx
I waited untill 6 months before introducing gluten and dairy, meats eggs etc. before 6 months we just did veg and fruit. Things like carrot, butternut squash, turnip, potato, sweet potato. Melon, apple, plums, pears.
I always used fresh veg, although now I have started to buy frozen as so much was going to waste xxx
I started early for that reason.
I was told fruit and veg until 6 months however my lo wouldn't drink milk so I had to add milk to everything and offer cheese and yogurts to make up for it.
Again, we only gave fruit and veg until 6 months. We pureed anything really, apples, banana, melon, carrot, potato, butternut squash.
Also we occasionally used pre-made pouches which were great for trying out different flavours or for when you are out.
Just remember that fruit and veg are empty calories so LO may end up filling up on these then dropping milk feeds which are essential x

Just remember that fruit and veg are empty calories so LO may end up filling up on these then dropping milk feeds which are essential x

Ok thank you. All I thought was give her a spoon or two after her normal feed (just once or twice a day) just so that she is having something extra.. Will it not make any difference to her weight gain then?? That's all that worries me.

Thank you for everyone's replies! Xx
Hi fruit and veg probably won't fill her up for long hun and she is unlikely to put on any weight unless she's taking very large quantities x
Just remember that fruit and veg are empty calories so LO may end up filling up on these then dropping milk feeds which are essential x

Ok thank you. All I thought was give her a spoon or two after her normal feed (just once or twice a day) just so that she is having something extra.. Will it not make any difference to her weight gain then?? That's all that worries me.

Thank you for everyone's replies! Xx

Unless you are specifically advised by a paed, I doubt it will help.

Milk is much higher in calories and has more nutrients than any first foods.

If you think about it most diets allow fruit and veg (which is all they are meant to have before 6months) as free foods because they don't cause particular weight gain. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I was advised to start earlier because she was dropping centiles.
The reason for starting earlier in not the extra calories really but the time it gets to get them used to the spoon, meal times, first tastes and structure their day.
A baby that starts at 4 m at 5 -6 m it will already tried a variety of first tastes and by 6 m it will probably be in an established 3 meal per day program ready to introduce wheat and protein in good amounts rather than starting at 6 m and get there with a good routine and everything set at 7 months. (According to Amelie's doctor anyway)

Amelie is a baby that will take 3-4 oz bottles regardless how long you let her. Not only she didn't drop her milk intake but now she is drinking slightly more and adding a teaspoon if baby rice in her purées helped her stop dropping the centiles.
So now she has milk, milk, lunch (usually finger foods) milk, dinner vegetables or fruit mixed with a little baby rice, milk, milk. It goes very slowly and she is not eating a great deal really...

Saying that you shouldn't start weaning without asking your doctor I think.
Oh :-( she has dropped one line on the percentile thing and the HV said about thinking to wean if she isn't gaining enough weight. I just love her to bits and want her to be healthy xxx
Oh :-( she has dropped one line on the percentile thing and the HV said about thinking to wean if she isn't gaining enough weight. I just love her to bits and want her to be healthy xxx

She will be healthy :) don't worry!!
I started at 4 months, and like Hope said its not about extra calories. Because he really didn't have much, and milk was only reduced after 6 months.
Hope has explained why I weaned at 4 months perfect. It's structured his day. Got him used to meal times, the spoon. His high chair. And when he was 6 months that's when I'd say he's actually eating food. Before 6 months it was just some purée here and there.xxx
Just remember that fruit and veg are empty calories so LO may end up filling up on these then dropping milk feeds which are essential x

Ok thank you. All I thought was give her a spoon or two after her normal feed (just once or twice a day) just so that she is having something extra.. Will it not make any difference to her weight gain then?? That's all that worries me.

Thank you for everyone's replies! Xx

Unless you are specifically advised by a paed, I doubt it will help.

Milk is much higher in calories and has more nutrients than any first foods.

If you think about it most diets allow fruit and veg (which is all they are meant to have before 6months) as free foods because they don't cause particular weight gain. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(

^^WSS hun maybe talk to your HV and see what s/he meant specifically. Then make a decision based on what works for you. We are doing BLEW and started at 5 months with fruit and veg because C was grabbing things from our plates I am glad we waited, he now eats pretty much what we eat and I am really enjoying it xx

I'd start with fruit and veg too. Just remember to avoid citrus fruits and strawberries until 6 months.

We may be starting to wean early too, Little Miss is dropping of her centile and is starting to show signs that she may want more than just milk. Spoke to my HV today and she suggested it as well as the signs :( I was hoping to hold off longer!
I had this with Aaron, he dropped 3 centiles technically but we perservered and waited until 5.5 months to wean as he just wasn't ready.

Meantime, I offered him little and often with regards to feeding, and introduced a dream feed (which was his best feed of the day)

Slowly (very very slowly) he started to eat better, and started putting on weight again.

If you really want to wean with fruit/veg, you could try adding milk (formula/breast milk) to the purees. However like KK said, be sure that LO isn't filling up on empty calories.

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