weaning. and rebelling.help


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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hi..i beem exclusively breast feedn but last week introduced forumlae once a day...yest i tried baby on baby rice for first time..cnt say she liked the taste at all...how did u go bou the whole introducing food?? please helpppp ta...also shes bn fab since 6 weeks settling easily at 7.30pm for sleep...last few nites she refuses as soon as i hit the bedroom she criesss, she has been teethn and during that time when it was bad shes was molly coddles now she wont go down easily at all of a sudden. i do leave her a fair while but she wont stop crying...elllp ta xx
Have you looked at BLW ? M hated porridge and being spoon fed but loves feeding herself x
Oscar was never a fan of the baby breakfasts, porridges etc (never tried the rice), but once we started on the pureed veg and fruit he loved it and wolfs it down. He has breakfast yoghurt every morning now, try him on other things but he likes the same thing every day (unfortunately he take after me for that lol)

He has finger foods now like toast and rice cakes etc but will only eat smooth other than that!!
Is she a bit yound for weaning maybe?? Sorry I'm not sure how young your lo is :O. Maybe she's not quite ready? Otherwise pureed veg or blw at 6 months maybe?? XxX
I was gonna say the same as squeakz. I waited till lo was 6 months (i knew he wasn't ready before), and he loves it. Sometimes waiting that bit longer makes all the difference xxxx
My LO was exclusively bf until weaning (still bf for his milk), I tried him on baby rice at 5 and a half months but he was not interested at all so just offered him baby porridge every few days or so and then after a couple of weeks he was suddenly really interested and even wanted the spoon himself. My advice would be offer food every few days, dont force it on LO and when he/she is ready they will let you know :)
www sorry forgot to say shes 6 months on friday :) so thought it was time as she is watching the food me and my family eat and trying to grab the food! maybe i shall try some pureed fruit! :) xx

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