Weak Cervix?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
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Hi I was just wondering if anyone has had a miscarriage due to a weakened cervix, And if you had the stitch, what was the procedure like? And did you go on to have a healthy pregnancy and child?

Thanks xx Vicky xx
Hey hon, dont think you have put it in the wring section just maybe nobody with a similar experience has read it yet! Hope you get some advice/support!
I can't help you much as I haven't gone through it but I did have a work college who had the stitch and had a healthy baby afterwards she went into early labour I think. I really wish I could help more and I wish you all the best hun.
Hi Vicky

Just wanted to say I do know someone who had a lot of miscarriages then went on to have this procedure and had a healthy baby girl afterwards. :)

I too had a work colleague that had the stitch put in at 14 weeks and kept on complete bed rest until 38 weeks. Stitch was taken out around 36 weeks. It was obviously tough being bed ridden for half the year but so worth it for her. She had a very healthy FT baby boy.

Hope you're doing ok x
That was thought to be the reason I lost my son at 20weeks but I didn't end up needing the stitch and had a healthy baby boy after if that's any help?
I lost my daughter at 20 weeks due to IC , had stitch at 13 weeks with my son , he's now 3.5 years old. Am currently 17 weeks pregnant after having stitch done again at 13 weeks. I cant have spinals so both were under general anaesthetic. Takes about 30 mins. You will get cramps and some bleeding which usually goes away between 1 day post op or 1 week. With my son I had to have a C-section so they took the stitch out while that was going on. If you have a normal delivery then the stitch is usually taken out just before 37 weeks x
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Thanks for all your messages.

It looks like I might need an op due to a split uterus and the stitch. Here's hoping and praying that we'll have a 2015 baby xxxx

Hope you're all well xxx

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