We live in the doctors **UPDATE 2**


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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**UPDATE 2**

no more pooh explosions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: he has only had 7 feeds and is only taking 3oz but no more pooh explosions or rumbly in his tumbly so far! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: he is much happier so Im going back to the docs tommorrow to tell her. Im :pray: :pray: that this is what he needs


Well the docs went well! I explained everything AGAIN and told the doc about SMA LF. She had never heard of it before and saidf they prescribe wysoy. I told her to look on SMA website and she did and agreed that it sounded like it was worth a try so she has prescribed us 2 tins and I have to take him back after that. He is showing signs that he is slightly dehydrated though :( he has very dry skin & dry mouth. Im to keep an eye on him and if he is no better to take him in tommorrow morning. He has only had 7oz of milk today so thats prob why. He is refusing it because it hurts his tummy to drink it. Oh and we have green pooh again tonight! Im picking up the milk at 10am tommorrow and :pray: :pray: :pray: it works otherwise its back to the drawing board!! xx

Today will be visit number 7 in 3 weeks for my poorly bunny. This time Im not letting it go. James has been ill with horrendous diarrhea for 3 weeks now. He is off his milk and being sick too. The docs kept saying 'its just a bug' A bug for 3 weeks? I dont think so.

Im almost sure its lactose intollerance, which has maybe been started off by a bug? Jamesy is absolutely fine until he has milk. What happens is he has his milk and within 2mins his tummy is erupting making THE WORST noises, he then has pooh explosions and wont take anymore milk and will be curled up in agony for the next 2hours crying his eyes out and has mega farts :( he just about recovers in time for the next feed and then it starts again. Its breaking my heart seeing my little man in so much pain and he tries so hard to smile but the pain gets to him and he is sitiing there doing little smiles with tears coming down his face :(

I feel so stupid for letting them fob me off for so long. They kept sayin it was a bug and they wanted to wait for his stool sample to come back until they would do anything. Well it turns out they f'ing lost the sample!! How can you lose a pot of pooh ffs? They did give me antibiotics on friday 'just incase' but they arent doing anything and this is day 5 of taking them.

Im going to get them to prescribe some milk for him to try because its beeter than pumping him full of medication he doesnt need.

Ill update later, Im going at 4pm and taking him to be weighed first. He hasnt had a loss yet but he is dropping down the centile wherr he isnt gaining much at all.
Oh hun don't feel bad for being "fobbed off". They're doctors, we put our trust in them and believe them when they tell us its "just a bug/virus". Especially in the early days with our babies when we're paranoid about over-reacting.

I allowed myself to be fobbed off by 3 doctors on 3 different days when I knew that my Lu was poorly, but in the end I was proved right. Its hard but we have to learn when to listen to the docs or not. Don't be hard on yourself about it, its happened to us all.

I hope you get something sorted, and you can start dealing with it asap for your little boy.

poor little man!!!

Stick to your guns babe. You know him bette than anyone and somethings most definitely not right. And i agree...a bug for 3 weeks does sound a bit strange :? .

Hope you get on better at the doctors than you did all the other times :hug: :hug: :hug: They need to get this sorted. Beths had a lot of mystery 'bugs' and 'virus's' in the past (translation = we dont know whats wrong, so just have some antibiotics and bog off...) but i firmly belive yu should trust your mummy instincts on this one. Let us know how it goes xxxxxxxx
Tillytots said:
Today will be visit number 7 in 3 weeks for my poorly bunny. This time Im not letting it go. James has been ill with horrendous diarrhea for 3 weeks now. He is off his milk and being sick too. The docs kept saying 'its just a bug' A bug for 3 weeks? I dont think so.

Im almost sure its lactose intollerance, which has maybe been started off by a bug? Jamesy is absolutely fine until he has milk. What happens is he has his milk and within 2mins his tummy is erupting making THE WORST noises, he then has pooh explosions and wont take anymore milk and will be curled up in agony for the next 2hours crying his eyes out and has mega farts :( he just about recovers in time for the next feed and then it starts again. Its breaking my heart seeing my little man in so much pain and he tries so hard to smile but the pain gets to him and he is sitiing there doing little smiles with tears coming down his face :(

I feel so stupid for letting them fob me off for so long. They kept sayin it was a bug and they wanted to wait for his stool sample to come back until they would do anything. Well it turns out they f'ing lost the sample!! How can you lose a pot of pooh ffs? They did give me antibiotics on friday 'just incase' but they arent doing anything and this is day 5 of taking them.

Im going to get them to prescribe some milk for him to try because its beeter than pumping him full of medication he doesnt need.

Ill update later, Im going at 4pm and taking him to be weighed first. He hasnt had a loss yet but he is dropping down the centile wherr he isnt gaining much at all.

Hun, do what we did. Go to the chemist and buy some SMA LF (lactose free) - if it genuinely is lactose intolerance he will be 4093871253475234% better within 24 hours. We noticed a huge improvement in Connie and she had exactly the same symptoms as James before. She would feed, be fine for 15 minutes, then ball up in pain for 2 hours, shriek the house down and trump for England. She'd just recover and it would be food time again... I felt like I was poisoning her and of course all the doctors and HV said was that it was colic. They;ve since all apologised though.

Anyway, my point (I do have one, I promise!)... if you buy a tin of the LF and it WORKS you have ammunition and the doctor will HVAE to prescribe it for you. Hey presto, free baby powder.

Good luck I know how bloody awful this is because I've been through it and it gave me PND :hug: :hug: :hug:

P.S. Ring the chemist first to see if they have the LF in, big ones sometimes do but smaller ones can usually order it for the next day. Be warned though it's about 6 quid for a tiny tin (2-3 days supply)...
Poor James. I would do as Debecca did. My step brother's son had similar symptoms and doctors kept saying to them that it is colic. The right diagnosis was only done after four months! As soon as they gave soya based formula the problem was solved!

Stay positive!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls :hug:

Bex I can see how it gave you PND! Ive been driven to smoke a fair few fags now, and now have to quit all over again after almost a year of not smoking :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: ah well I done it once and Il do it again.

I dont mind paying for the SMA LF if it makes my babby happy again, I couldnt put a price on that! Il ask the chemist later if they have it.

I have an appointment with a nice lady doc and she usually is guided by the patient on what course of treatment to take so :pray: she she'll give us something to try.

Sorry you've got nowhere with the docs hun, hope the LF works for him, fingers crossed.

On a side note I can't believe he's 2 and a half months! :hug:
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.... Can't believe she'd not heard of it!

Let us know how it goes x
Awww hunni. Surprising she hasnt heard of it, but i really hope the 2 tins help James, bless him., Does he take cool boiled water
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor little James
I do hope the milk makes a difference for him
Here is hoping the formula works for him. Good you had a Doctor who was prepared to listen and try something you wanted :) Stick with seeing her in future if you can for his continuity of care. Maybe even change GP's so she is your one. I go all out to get a GP I like and think listens well.
Awww, poor little boy...and poor you, i think you need some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: . Hope the new formula works for him, keep us posted.

Poor little man, hope the new milk works xx
:hug: :hug: :hug:
My docs only give sma wysoy too - Fi is lactose intolerant, what she had sounds exactly like poor James! I didn't go to the docs though, i tried c&g infasoy first, once i was sure it worked i went and told them what was wrong. Lol.

Doc did agree today and put wysoy on prescription.

Fi is a different baby now, so contented! and no more poo explosions!

hope it works xxxxxxxxxxxx
Suzie and Faith said:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
My docs only give sma wysoy too - Fi is lactose intolerant, what she had sounds exactly like poor James! I didn't go to the docs though, i tried c&g infasoy first, once i was sure it worked i went and told them what was wrong. Lol.

Doc did agree today and put wysoy on prescription.

Fi is a different baby now, so contented! and no more poo explosions!

hope it works xxxxxxxxxxxx

did you ask for sma hun? I did and got it xx

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