BAD nappies HELP pls xxx


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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James has been poorly for over a week now.

He has been quite upset, sleepier than usual and had the most horrendous nappies. They started off green, watery, mucousy diarhea and now its yellow but still diareah, just a little thicker in consistancy. Sorry thats quite gross. The smell is VILE it makes me heave!!!! His nappies were never that smelly before :think:

He has been to the docs 4 times and each time they have said starve him for a few hours giving him only dirolyte which I did. He isnt going more than usual though, just the same amount of times he normally does.

The only thing I can think of is that a week ago everywhere ran out of his usual milk ( Farleys ) and so he had 2 bottles of C&G comfort. The next day he was back on Farleys but it seems that this is when this all started. Something else I notice is that EVERYTIME he has his milk now his tummy goes crazy, rumbling like mad, a bit like irritable bowel and then he does the explosive pooh :puke: He is going off his milk now and only taking 2oz at a time.

We are going back to docs tommorrow but tbh I dont think they are going to be any help.

Does anyone have any ideas what this might be?

Aww poor james...sounds like midna may be right...hope it clears up soon :hug:
could also be lactose intorrelence hun
sometimes it doesnt show for ages thomas' only kicked in once he hit 6 weeks
he hasnt had a temp mid, he did have a rash that lasted a couple of days though. It looked kinda like eczema (red blothcy patches and went a bit dry) it was on his face and spread to his neck but went after 3days. I told the doc but he dismissed it. I had to take a sample of the offending pooooh last fri and we're just waiting for the results. Would Gastroentritis (sp) show up in that? how did seed get diagnosed? Oh yea actually I remember you saying it took ages and tons of dr visits before they diagnosed it :( :( :( :( I could only starve him twice for 12 hours a time and I couldnt do it anymore because he stopped drinkng the dirolyte and wasnt getting any fluids. I keep giving him half strength feeds though to kep his water intake up but to try and give his poorly tum a rest.

My Mum mentioned Lactose intollerance also manda :think: is this how Thomas was?

the pooh sounds very alike and the noisey belly, is he screaming alot about 30 mins after every bottle? is he gulping his bottles down? as these are both signs of it. speak to a doctor about it as it often gets overlooked they may tell you to try soya milk if it is that you will notise a difference right away within a couple bottles
thomas' poop is still green but now its like clay lol lovely :)
the rash sounds identical to Logie's eczema, he has it on the face and neck too. He's not poohed since last tuesday though, probably cos he's losing weight (I have to start supplementing with formula).

The HV did mention that if the exzema doesn't get better I might have to try cutting out dairy from my diet. Maybe it is an allergy thing? :think:

I hope Jamesys better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no poor Logie :(

Im seeing the HV tommorrow so I'll mention it all to her. I havent seen them for 2 weeks. Im hoping Jamesy hasnt lost weight after all this poohing :pray: How much does Logie weigh now? James was 11lb 6oz 2 weeks ago.
I think James may be allergic to something because he constantly sneezes and his eyes go red and puffy but Ive stopped using any soaps and stuff on him and also stopped using them myself for 2days to see if it was me that was irritating him but he was still like it? God all these things!! :roll: poor bambinos! xx
If you do think it is lactose intolerance and Doc won't listen (didn't to me)... You could try switching to something like Aptamil Easy Digest. Although it isn't completely lactose free, it has a lot less in it. After about 5 days on it, Phoebe improved over night, almost as if someone had flipped a switch.

No one would listen to me as Phoebe wasn't losing weight - kept just telling me it was colic. But the windy explosive poos sound the same, she was also crying all day with wind & her stomach made horrendous sounds, as well as being very hard and bloated.

You could also try Colief - expensive at £9.99 a bottle, but if it works you can get it on prescription. Haven't tried it myself, as the Easy Digest milk worked, but that was the next thing I was going to try.

SMA also do a lactose free milk - I think Debecca uses it. Interestingly - on their website it says this:

Temporary lactose intolerance can be triggered by an episode of gastroenteritis and can result in symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting, tummy ache and wind and usually lasts for four to eight weeks, although it can last longer.

So maybe it is both gastroenteritis & lactose intolerance?

Hope it clears up soon :hug: :hug:
Aww bless him. Make the Drs do tests if he isn't getting better Sarah. Demand them! Let us know how you get on hun xxx
[quote=" How much does Logie weigh now? [/quote]

He only weighs 10lb 6oz now, the same as he weighed at 6 weeks!! He did go up to 10lb 9oz but lost it again :wall: Im having to start giving him formula as well as boob
Oh my God Tilly this sounds exactly like lactose intolerance. Your description of the nappies was JUST like Connie was, and what makes me suspicious is that the Comfort Milk contains less lactose - so when you've gone back to the normal stuff it probably aggravated him more?

Might be worth sticking to Comfort Milk or Easy Digest until he's 3/4 months - speak to your HV?


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