We have had an awful night =[ **Better at last =]**


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Jake has had a really bad tummy since yesterday. He was sick while eating his lunch, I tought it was the Heinz cook in cheese sauce but now im not so sure. He has had diarrhea about 6 times, at one point it was just water coming out. He hasnt been able to keep anything in. Ive been giving him dioralyte but we have run out and now im sh*tting myself that we cant find a chemist thats open on a bank holiday. Me and OH have hardly slept. We had to bath him at 1 am last night. He has had a record 5 baths in less than 24 hours. Its a good job he loves the bath. Part of me thinks he is teething as his cheeks are bright red but he was around his cousin on Friday who has been sicky lately. I dont know what it is.
Oh no!! Poor Jake!! & poor you & OH too :hug:

I know Superdrug is open on a Bank hol as my sis works at one and she is working today, so I would imagine Boots will be open too.....and I think the supermarkets are open on Sunday hours - so they close at 4pm.

I hope its only a quick ug and he is better soon!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks, will have to hunt out a superdrug or boots thats open (we only have a small boots near us that dont even open on sundays) :hug: :hug:
Aww poor monkey, he's had that a lot lately. If you have no look finding some send me a text and i'll send t'other half round with some.
Flame said:
Aww poor monkey, he's had that a lot lately. If you have no look finding some send me a text and i'll send t'other half round with some.

awww bless you are always there for the rescue!! thanks

Ive managed to get some stage 1 baby rice into him, hopefully he can keep it down and it will be kind on his tummy
He still isnt well. He is filling his nappy about once an hour now. I took him to the docs but she just told me to carry on doing what I am doing and make sure he has fluid every half an hour. I feel so sorry for him, the poor thing. It doent seem to be getting to him too much. I just want him to get better :(

He might have chicken pox too but the doctor isnt sure yet. I also got her to check his eye. She said he'll be fine so im relieved there.

Why does bad luck come in 3's :x
poor little guy!hope he starts to get better soon
Awh bles him, hope he gets well soon. You feel so helpless when they are ill :hug:
Awwwwww no!!! Sorry to here he's still bad...... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ryan had this a few weeks ago, it lasted a while :(

Hope Jake gets better soon :hug:
Has he developed some spots then Natalie?

:hug: for Jake
Flame said:
Has he developed some spots then Natalie?

:hug: for Jake

Yeah he had about 10 spots on his back this morning, some og them looked like tiny blisters. He has got a couple more on his tummy this afternoon. The doctor said it is too early to tell
Poor Jake and poor Natalie!

Have you had to keep him off nursery Natalie?

I really hope he's better soon - poor little thing!

Valentine Xxx
So so sorry to hear Jake's unwell Natalie, I really hope he's better soon, sending very best wishes to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
Kenzo hasn't slept all night because of tummy aches. I think he got it from me because I also have an indigestion (food poisonning) :cry: :cry: :cry:
Just wanted to update everybody who sent their well wishes, he is better now and will be returning to nursery in the morning :cheer: :cheer:

Thanks from Jake and me for all your thoughts and hugs :hug:
so glad he is better now...have been thinking about the poor little man :hug: :hug:
sorry only just seen this, glad he is better now :hug:

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