Way too early...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2015
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I know it's waaaay too early, but I'm obsessed with baby names. I don't even know why...

Me and OH both have Brazilian origin, so he wants a name that's portuguese. Our daughter is Liana and middle name Emilia as both names have a brazilian touch (they are not very common there), but are not difficult to pronounce in the UK.

For this baby - and I know it's way too early, but I just can't stop thinking about names - I find it more difficult. Somehow I am leaning more towards English names. My favourite was Charlotte, I just LOVE that name, but now that the royal baby is named Charlotte that really put me off :sad:
I also love Phoebe, but I don't think they would be able to pronounce either in Brazil.

For Boys (even though I'm convinced it's another girl) OH wants João which I don't think works here... how would you pronounce it?

I can't really think of any boys names I like other than maybe Jack...

What do you think? Charlotte is a no-no at the moment, isn't it? :sad:
Do you have any other suggestions? I've got an endless list with names I like, but nothing really sticks out
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I have my names picked and I don't even start TTC number 3 for another couple of weeks! Ha ha!

I love Charlotte too, and if it was the name I had chosen, I would still use it! No idea how you pronounce that name - I would saw Jow as in J-ow (that hurt!) lol!
Charlotte was also on our list, crossed off immediately once the new royal baby name was announced. Would hate for people to keep asking me if it was after HRH.

I also like Phoebe (also on our list!)

As for your boys name, I work with a lot of Portuguese people so know how to pronounce it but find it very hard (as do most of my none Portuguese colleagues). Is it said a little like Juan? Most of us just call them J.O.A.O


Mrs M haha and I thought I was crazy - makes me feel better haha!

Pismo it's similar to Juan (except the j isn't pronounced like in the spanish Juan..it's similar to the english j in eg Jenny but smoother, not as harsh) ... it's hard to even write how to pronounce it haha it's something like joo-wow haha but with a soft j :p but yeah baby would always have to spell his name... if we were in Brazil - fine, but here i don't think so

another thing putting me off Charlotte is that Brazilians are pretty good at messing up English names.. and when there's something ending in "te" they pronounce it like "tchi" in the region we come from. So they would probably end up saying Charlotchi, which is horrendous haha!! So don't know if we could pull that off... and I have no idea what they would do to Phoebe... probably something like fo-ehhhh-bee :D

We are going back to Brazil now for a while, so I can be around family while pregnant, but then we'll stay in the UK after that, so most important thing is people here can pronounce it (unlike Joao ;)), but I still feel like it people back in Brazil should be able to pronounce it too

I love names too! Charlotte is lovely, my 9 month old niece is Charlotte but her parents are a bit gutted about royal baby too.

You've got plenty of time :) x
I know it's waaaay too early, but I'm obsessed with baby names. I don't even know why...

Me and OH both have Brazilian origin, so he wants a name that's portuguese. Our daughter is Liana and middle name Emilia as both names have a brazilian touch (they are not very common there), but are not difficult to pronounce in the UK.

For this baby - and I know it's way too early, but I just can't stop thinking about names - I find it more difficult. Somehow I am leaning more towards English names. My favourite was Charlotte, I just LOVE that name, but now that the royal baby is named Charlotte that really put me off :sad:
I also love Phoebe, but I don't think they would be able to pronounce either in Brazil.

For Boys (even though I'm convinced it's another girl) OH wants João which I don't think works here... how would you pronounce it?

I can't really think of any boys names I like other than maybe Jack...

What do you think? Charlotte is a no-no at the moment, isn't it? :sad:
Do you have any other suggestions? I've got an endless list with names I like, but nothing really sticks out

I would pronounce it jay-o for some reason??

I LOVE Charlotte and we were very close to naming one of our twins Charlotte and then after we had decided against it it was a top runner as a middle name for Myla. You shouldn't let it put you off if you really love the name, but I've got to be honest: I'm glad we didn't name our daughter Charlotte as they were born so close to the royal baby..
Phoebe is lovely too! So is Jack :) But I think Joao would be too difficult for the UK I'm afraid... he would always have to spell his name here I suppose
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I really fell in love with Alice the other day!! And I LOVE Alice in wonderland :D I really LOVE it, but Alice is VERY popular in Brazil, I think rank 2! So that's holding me back a bit, especially since my first daughter's name is rather unusual. We'll be living in the UK, so it shouldn't bother me too much, even though it's not that unusual there either... but I just really like it a lot!

What do you think? And do you think it'd go with Liana? and OH likes Mariana... which was pretty high on our list for first pregnancy and I still like it but I don't think it goes with Liana as they both end in "iana". He also likes Mirabella and Clara

For a boy I'm still stuck...there's nothing I like except Jack or James, but not sure if they'd work with Liana..and if people back home would mess it up...any ideas? LOVE Dexter, but same as with Jack & James...don't know if it works. Plus I'm not sure if I can name my child after a (fictional) serial killer... OH likes Samuel
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As for your girls names I think Alice is gorgeous! Would be my top pick from the names you've mentioned in your last post. I do like Mirabella, I have never met anyone with that name, but I find it lovely. Mariana isn't really my cup of tea tbh and I agree it wouldn't go too well with Liana

I love all your boys names and I say if you love Dexter you should go for it. Only adults may know about it, but I think that's something you can ignore if you love the name as long as the child doesn't get picked on at school or anything. Children his age won't even know about the TV character and by the time he grows up it probably won't be as popular and known anymore.
If you like traditional names like Jack and James what about Philip or Henry?
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Personally I don't like the name Alice because of the song "Alice, Alice, who the f*ck is Alice??!!" sooo I would be worried people would sing that about her once announcing her name. Having said that my mum nearly called my younger brother George, Alice when she was pregnant with him.

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Here are some Portuguese names that seems like it would transition well to English too.



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