

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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For those of you that had a waterbirth, did you wear anything at all? Is anyone who is having a waterbirth planning to wear anything?
I'm "planning" a waterbirth. Will take a tankini top but to be honest was planning on going naked.
I had a water birth and was in the buff the whole way through - it was the last thing on my mind.

I was at home though so maybe you'll feel differently if you're at hospital.

Valentine Xxx
Hazel said:
I'm "planning" a waterbirth. Will take a tankini top but to be honest was planning on going naked.

I had planned to wear a tankini because I thought I would be in the water for the majority of the labour. But I only went in the pool to push her out so by that point I didn't care and didn't wear anything.
I was supposed to find out whether I can actually deliver in the water on Friday, which was already 2 weeks after I should have been seen, but my midwife changed it to Tuesday! I am so overdue for an appointment now it isn't funny! Grr! How am I supposed to organise and order things before I'm even told I'm definitely going to be "allowed" a homebirth?!

Anyway, the point is, I don't know whether I will be delivering in water but I just don't know what most people do once they are in the pool. I'm not shy about being naked, but didn't know how comfortable that would be.
I was also naked - I can't imagine a wet shirt against my skin would have been comfortable. Especially if I'd had to get out to deliver, it would have been cold.
Hmmm allowed a homebirth :think:

They basically cannot refuse you one. If your MW is aware of your homebirth plans and homebirths are ok in your area I don't see why you need to worry about being allowed per se. Even if there is a medical reason they advise you to give birth in hospital you can decline that and stick with a homebirth. I did. They will send out a MW.

Do you have a community MW who does the homebirths or do they send some from the hospital? Check and see and chase up whichever it is. You can be booked in from 36/37 weeks onwards and provicing you go into labour after 37 weeks it should be fine.

And yup, naked or tankini is the way to go :)
I was completely naked lmao.. I was using a normal bath as pain relief beforehand and transferred straight to the birth pool.. hence the nakedness :rotfl:
I was thinking about this too. Im thinking just a bikini top.. as the others have said though im sure you dont care once you are in labour!
yep naked clothes would have just got in the way :D
i didnt have a waterbirth but i got naked anyway- lol
you get so hot and irritated by everything in labour- esp when they make the room all hot
when they know baby is coming soon- i was like right i'm stripping...:)
same as midna i had to get out right at the end- but i was naked too- i was at home i started off in a bra, top, knickers and joggy bottoms- the pants and joggies came off when she examined me then lol i put a skirt on hehe i didnt kno what i was doing labour makes you off your tits even when u hav no pain relief haha! i was taken advantage of while i was delirious the MW stripped me off! :lol: but i did not give two hoots!
Thanks! And Sherlock, as far as "allowed," I meant it more in that I haven't seen my midwife since I was 32 weeks, so I have no idea if I am breech or whether anything else has gone wrong. I know I have the right to one! :D What I don't know, however, is whether I will be allowed a pool. I can be in it when they aren't in my house, regardless, but apparently they might not be allowed to oversee my labour (let alone delivery) in water if the manager says no. I am STILL waiting to find out, which isn't very convenient for getting things organised!
I was naked. I did pack a tankini top just in case, but didnt give nakedness a thought in the end :D

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