water retention....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i'm suffering with carpel tunnel sydrome... the doctor says its brought on through water retention in my wrists cutting off the nerve which give me painful pins and needles... been getting these now for about 6 weeks so my hands and wrists feel quite weak... especially my right one (sods law) hurts to hold a tooth brush or a pen in the morning... shaking the quilt cover in a definate no no.. just don't have the strength in my right hand... it's really getting me down...i've been given these wrist/hand straps to sleep in and to wear throughout the day as a support... feels so much better when i wear one on my right hand but as soon as i take it off my wrist and hand feels even weaker than before.... i've just attacked a block of cheese with a knife through temper!!! because i couldn't slice it.. does anyone else suffer with this? am i going to be able to hold my baby when it comes...

is there anything we can take for water rention? how about herbal water pills?

Hi Hayley
a friend had this so badly that she was signed off work about a month or so before her maternity started and she was much better when her baby was born and had no trouble holding her.

i had it very midly in my last month or so and it actually got loads better and then disappeared before i had my baby. i was retaining water in the feet and hands too - i gave birth in december and i couldnt wear any shoes other flip flops - cold feet!!!!

i believe the best thing for water retention is drinking loads of water - if your body has plenty it doesnt need to retain it. i admit i was dreadful for not drinking enough. (sorry if you are already doing this :? )

hope that helps a little,

Hi hun

sorry your going through this i had water retentiion but didnt have it in the carpel tunnel sydrome. I hope it eases for you and try and not do much i hear you can also get this from doing things like being on the comp for too long :? .
take care.
thanks for your replies... i'm the same when it comes to drinking... I don't tend to drink unless i'm thirsty by which time your already de-hydrated.... i've never been a big drinker! but i'm trying to drink more now...

i'm getting biger daily - or every hour! i'm carrying a lot of water... well i hope its water... my feet look okay in the mornings but by the afternoon my toes look stook on... i've taken my wedding and engagement ring off because my fingers look like fat sausages... how much weight do you think we put on due to water?


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