Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Feb 15, 2007
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Anyone else get this? (pins and needles in hands and arms caused by water retention - pressing against median nerve in the wrist - worse at night).
I've been getting this for quite a while (from before 16 weeks - although I started getting swollen hands and feet at the same time do must be prone to water retention).
It has been getting progressively worse. Now the tingling in my right hand never goes away and I wake up with pain in my wrists. Spoke to GP about it at my last antenatal and she said if it got really bad I'd be referred to a physio. It's not too bad at the moment (I'm just having a moan really), but I wondered how common it is and how badly anyone is affected - do they have to wear splints??
Thanks in advance
hi.. sorry to hear u have this.. i only had it in my right arm when i was pregnant with charlott.e. i dont know why but i found that holding my arm above my head worked really really well.. massage ur wrist then hold ur arm above ur head.. i used to rest my arm on the wall behind the bed at night and it seemed to work.. good luck..xx
thanks - I'll give it a go.
Did yours go away straight after giving birth?
yep.. actually after about 30 weeks it eased off for some reason..dunno y but i think i jsut got it every now and again.. i had it bad from about 8-30 weeks tho every night.. killed
Hi - I had this too but it seems to have eased up now. All I get now is stiff hands when I wake up but it's not sore any more - before it was total agony. I found pointing my fingers upwards helped too x
I had this even before I fell pregnant with Tia...I had wrist splints which reduced the swelling and pressure that was on the nerve. They arn't very nice, but the kinda worked for me... :)

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