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Water Births


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Just wondered those mummies that had water births what your experiences were and how many mummies wanted a water birth but didnt have one and why not.

My hospital only had one birthing pool and its a first come first served so i dont want to set my heart on something that i probaly wont be able to have if its not worth it.

Also what pain relief can you have if you have one?
I was told gas and air. They might use pethidine but Im not sure. On the tour I went on the pool had a gas and air hose. on the side.
Apparently the water in itself acts as a pain reliever. It covers up to the top of your bump and takes away a lot of the pressure.

I'm planning on having one for my homebirth now. My MW said it was a great investment and pain reliever and a lovely way to give birth to LO into the water and slowy up to the surface :)
Like your hospital ours only has one birthing pool too and I hope to have a water birth. Our hospital only let you have gas and air if you are using the pool, so hopefully I'll manage
I had a waterbirth, well partly, was in the pool for about 10 hours and i loved it...bloody brilliant lol....the only thing i will say is when u have to get out for examinations etc it hurts like hell when the gravity hits you...but u can get back in again so its bliss..unfortunatly for me i had to get out and stay out :cry: :cry: :cry:
I am hoping for a water birth too. The hospital has one pool but they said if someone finishes using it they may have time to clean it all out for my arrival into hospital. :dance: :dance: I am planning on using a TENS machine throughout the labour and then take that off before getting in the pool and hopefully just use gas and air through the rest of labour. My midwife said that they wouldn't usually let you in/stay in the pool if you had diamorphine or pethadine due to the affects it has on you such as making you sleepy.
Water birth was perfect in my experience but when you get out my god it hurts, the water definatly makes the pain lesser and takes the weight off you too. I loved the way it keeps you warm and provides a kind of privacy screen as the MW isnt looking directly at your bits. I thought it was very relaxing and peacful was to give birth.

On the minus side i shook uncontrollably for about 15 mins when i got out as i felt so cold, but then i spent about 10 hours in there so my body had to adjust.

I am praying it is free again this time....... :cheer:
I wanted a water birth and was lucky enough to get the room, but they monitored my contractions and said that because Charlottes heartbeat wasn't going up and down with the contractions I couldn't have one - still don't quite understand why but they said she was like a baby after pethadine (which I didn't have), You could have gas and air (they had an extention lead so it reached the pool) but nothing else I don't think.
I knew i wanted a water birth and like you our hospital only has one room with a pool. I was hoping it would be free and thought I would be very disappointed if it wasn't. Well, it was free, the pool was fantastic, great pain relief (you are only allowed gas and air but I hated the stuff anyway so I wasn't really bothered with it). However, five hours later, my contractions had stopped (they said I was dehydrated from the pool) so I had to get out for the rest of the labour. I was very disappointed (only afterwards though, because at the time I just wanted to give birth lol, didn't mind which way!). I hope you can have your water birth, I will definitely go for it next time! :hug:
Thanks ladies im going to have a look round the labour suite in a few weeks and im going to discuss it with my midwife.
I had a fantastic water birth at home and was able to birth my baby girl myself, be the first to touch her and bring her up to the surface - the most amazing experience of my life. I couldn't recommend it highly enough.

My birth story is in a link in my signature if you'd like to read about it.

I just used tens and the water from the pool as pain relief which worked brilliantly for me. I didn't get on with gas and air, but it was the only other option. Oh, I did have a couple of paracetemol when I went into labour too!

Valentine Xxx
My midwife has spoken to me about a water birth, however like most other places the hospital only has one pool. I had quite a bad experience last time and she said it might be more relaxing etc. Going to go have a look at hospital tomorrow night and see whats what. I also think with a water birth you are able to retain a smidge of dignity as your bits aren't out on distplay :D
My hospital only had one birthing pool too, but not many people seem to use it so they were able to have it ready and filled for me in 15 minutes. It was really amazing, I can't recommend it enough and I'd definitely have a water birth again even though the only pain relief I could have with it was gas and air.

It makes such a difference having the freedom to move around and find a comfortable position, and have your weight supported. I found it really relaxing and the thought of giving birth without it would terrify me! I'd honestly take it over anything else they offered me, including an epidural.

I could go on all day about how much I loved having a water birth, it was a really positive experience and I have nothing but good memories about the whole birth :)
Babylicious said:
Like your hospital ours only has one birthing pool too and I hope to have a water birth. Our hospital only let you have gas and air if you are using the pool, so hopefully I'll manage

i was told that they only had one birthing pool in the hospital where i had oliver, (i had a water birth) but there is a couple, it depends who you ask i suppose!! :D
i wanted a water birth at home, i spent much of my labour in the pool (it does help) but i didnt give birth in the water in the end. the MWs decided i would be better off on the bed, they mustve decided i might not progress so well in the water coz i was going on about not wanting to poo :lol: i remember one of them asking me "are you nervous?" and thinking "yes of course im f***ing nervous!!!" LOL they were right tho i was better off on the bed. but if theres a next time ill definately try a water birth again, ill kno what im doing next time
i had a home birth...and a pool that i was going to give birth in. I labored in it all the way.....but my instinct wanted to birth on dry land...must have needed to gravity......I stayed in til about nine minutes before she was born.

The pain relief was incredible ( read my birth story) HIGHLY recommend

:cheer: :dance:
oooooo and some hospitals allow you to bring your own birth pool in a box...find out.... :think:
Thanks ladies i have read some of the birth stories and they sound lovely so im definitely going to try for a water birth.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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