Was it a period?


Jun 1, 2010
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This may get graphic so please be warned, I do not have anyone else to off load on.

Not posted on here for a while. Not since I miscarried at the end of July. It has been an awful time. I was nearly 12 weeks pregnant when I started spotting. My docs were fantastic and arranged me a scan at the EPU 2 days later by which time the pain had arrived and more bleeding. It was not good news the baby had died a couple of weeks before and my womb was collapsing.

I went home as my body was taking care of it and had the most awful night. I actually passed the baby shortly after coming home and it did seem rather large for my dates. The sack filled the cup of my hand.

In hindsight I should have gone to a&e as I was filling a pad every few mins at one point and had clots the size of crumpets!! But at 2 a.m I did not want to disturb the house.

Now 6 weeks later my bleeding has only now stopped. It really doesnt help the emotional healing when you have it all rammed in your face every few hours :wall2:

I thought I had stopped at 4 weeks but a few days later I had a 'surge' of blood. It seemed like period blood so I popped a tampon in as I couldnt face another towel. When I removed it it was totally clean..nothing!! Either it didnt touch the sides :shock: or the blood came out in a kind of bubble and left nothing inside. I was confused and tried to carry on as normal.

2 days later I awoke to find more blood so figured it was going to be a period after all and it was just being a bit weird. Popped another tampon in. On changing I was relieved to see everything was happening normally except for then I passed a long rounded piece of flesh on wiping. I disgusted my oh whilst he was eating and showed it to him. It has a stringy end and and oval fatter shape the other end. It was greyish and veiny. Prob about 2 inches long.

It definately looked like....something! From then on the bleeding stopped again for a couple of days then I started bleeding properly for a further few days. I used a towel to monitor it.

Do you think it was a period and it just couln't start till that bit of tissue had left or was it the rest of everything from the miscarriage?

When the bleeding stopped after the four weeks I kept having chronic pain along my bikini line. I literally couldnt walk properly, it made me hobble and wince just going 100 yds to the shop. I thought perhaps my body was gearing up for ovulation but now Im concerned it was aggravated by a bit of left over tissue.

I really want to start trying again but haven't a clue what my body is doing :wall2:

Sorry for the long post, do feel better for getting it out though :roll:
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Didn't want to read and dissappear, I'm no expert but passed much the same thing you described when I miscarried and my periods were irratic for the next couple of months after that, with the same starting and stopping on the bleeding. I hope you feel better soon and you feel ready to start trying again soon xx
Oh hon, what an awful time. I'm not sure cos my mc was at 6+4 but i'd hope that ur body can get back to normal now. It might be worth speaking to your GP to see if he'd recommend a follow up scan to check on you? lots of love x x x
Hey hun, I would definitely see your GP about this. When I started what I thought was my first period after my miscarriage I bled for a month, and then it only stopped because I was prescribed tablets to stop it. I had a lot of clotting too, and I'm booked in for a scan on friday to make sure everything is ok down there (see my post 'first period after miscarriage - been bleeding for 3 weeks?' in this forum).
Don't just suffer, see a doctor. I know you just want some clearance and it's just awful having it ongoing. Good luck hun xx
Thank you for your replies. I have had 2 scans since the miscarriage. The first a week after and they said I had 14mm left to pass. Went back a week later and I still had 10mm. At the moment the bleeding has stopped but an annoying symptom has returned that I had whilst pregnant.

I just cant wee properly!! It just trickles. This improved during the miscarriage, like the baby had been blocking my bladder. I'm wondering if I have a clot thats still stuck.

I must agree, another doc visit me thinks. Just hate sitting their watching pregnant women come and go. I dont get upset at babies or anyone heavily pregnant, just ladies that look about what I should be.

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