WARNING to all dog owners with little ones.

OMG Sarah! Im so glad you are all ok!

What are you going to do with him?
Im sorry to hear this sometimes agression that is very out of character can be a sign of illness or that the dog is in pain I would probably have the dog given the once over at the vets, my dog recently was very out of character recently being grumbly and growling at my DH we took him to the vets for a once over and he was very good and checked everything we had noticed he had been rubbing his ear alot and it was when DH fussed his face that he growled it turns out he had ruptured his ear drum, it has all healed up now and he is back to his normal self!

I know it must have shaken you all up so much and it may be that re-homing is the only option but alot of people don't realise that such a change of character is usually a sign that all is not right with the dog and worth getting ruled out they are so good at hidding pain sometimes that this character change can be the only sign there is anything wrong.

Nicola G I am sure you re-homed your dogs for the right reasons for your family, you are however ment to supervise dogs with babies 24/7 which yes is not and easy thing to do and if you are not able to do so it is best to re-home the dog but no if you go to the toilet the dog and baby should not be left alone together the dog should be put in another room all it can take is for a small child to pull a dogs tail very hard or hurt/startle them in some other way and the dog can't really be blamed for biting.
you are doing the right thing hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

We rehomed our dog before harrison came along as she was unpredictable!
We have a Yorkshire Terrier and admit we're concerned about how we will have our dog and our baby co-habiting. I'm sure we'll manage though - I intend to get a sturdy playpen for bubs and if I need to leave the room for a minute (dog will generally follow me anyway) to go pee or something, he/she will be safe. Other than that I will supervise ALL the time and make sure that dog is praised whenever he leaves the baby alone / shows disinterest in him/her. Hopefully that way this sort of thing can be avoided.

Hi Sarah

Sorry to hear what happened with your little girl, i hope she's ok now, it must have been an awful shock for her.

I had a dog from being a puppy through to around 8 years and one day i was lying on the floor watching tele and stroking her then all of a sudden out of nowhere she attacked me. She bit me in the face, i was in a real mess for a long time.

My left eye both in the corner and just underneath were severely bitten and needed stiching and also the whole of my top lip (inside) needed stitching back together. This happened the week before my 18th birthday and thought my life had fallen apart. I had recorrection surgery later on but still have scars on my face.

I would never ever have a dog in my house not only as i am petrified of them but i agree you just cannot trust them.

I've lost count of how many people with dogs say to me 'Ah dont worry about her she's so soft and wouldn't hurt a fly'. Thats what i would have said about my dog too.

:hug: xxx
I'm sorry this happened - this is the very reason that I would never trust a dog around my children.
I'm sorry hun :hug:

I agree with Pentranze too, maybe a trip to the vet's. Sounds like he may be poorly.
So sorry this happened. Glad your LO is ok

And so unusual for the breed of dog! They are more or less the top recommended breed for suitability with children as they have no bad temper etc.
Oh Sarah, have these :hug: :hug: :hug:

We adore our doggie, and I would just be heart broken if this happened to us...Ruby adores Tilly and Tilly is so patient with her but I do worry there would be a day when she isnt so patient :?

It must of been so frightening xxxxxxxxxxx
I'm so sorry this happened to your wee girl. I watch my dog like a hawk around Maddison and they are never left alone together but like you said, it can happen right infront of your eyes :(
:hug: :hug: Aww you must be devisted. I have a very good natured Lab but I will be watching her like a hawk when our baby arrives just incase, you must have got such a fright :hug:
oh no dont tell me that, im already worried about how my spoilt pooch will react to the baby when he/she arrives. :shock:
I'm glad Arianna is ok :hug: :hug: :hug:

My little brother was bitten on the face once so I'm really protective of my boys when it comes to dogs, even if the owner says 'It's alright, it wouldn't hurt a fly...' I just don't risk it.
aw, glad arianna is ok. we had to re-home a cat, who was my "baby" before millie was born as she was a special needs cat and so adorable- but she went into attack mode every time millie cried and she had bad personal hygiene- pet owning parents have to put their kiddies first- it goes without saying! im sorry u gotta say goodbye to ur dog :hug:
If it was out of character then i would certainly take her to the vet for a check over, all dogs are allowed one mistake.
If you do still rehome her please make sure they are aware that the dog has been potentially aggressive then they will make sure she is rehomed with older children.

We have just got a dog and we are watching how my son and the dog interact very closely.

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