WARNING TMI - dtd help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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ok - my sex drive has pretty much disappeared since i found out i was pg - not that it was particularly high in the first place. DH has been pretty decent about it but think its kinda wearing now.

so anyways, had a go while we were on 'honeymoon' only for me to make him stop half way through because it was painful - like cramping pains in my lower tummy. Also groin/cervix area were really quite sore the next day.

Been kinda wondering if everything was sore cos i dont really feel comfortable with it and was tense - for a variety of physical reasons (including my hip pain) - we always finish in missionary and i was really concious of him squishing LO (although he was trying to keep weight off me).

Sorry i did warn you it was TMI! - i wondered if it would be less sore if i could relax.

Anyways - sexy dreams have been getting a lot more frequent, so thought id have a try on my own - no squishing etc. But near the end - it was like this huge amount of pressure built up in my lower tummy, was kinda painful and very uncomfy.

Anyone else having similar probs - or have any solutions??
so far DH has been reasonably understanding but i fell another 5 months might be a bit much to ask.

i have been finding it uncomfortable...like its really swollen and tender down there. think its the increase of blood flow and not making the same 'juices' as when not pregnant...

i have just invested in some ky to see if that makes it a little less tender...

i will update once tried out!!xx
I cant really say from my experience as my hubby wont come anywhere near me!!

But I think if you was to relax it would make it more comfortable, also maybe try a different position so your hubby doesn't squash your bump. As for the tightening in the stomach, I am sure I read this just down to you having an orgasm and is normal. I'm sure someone will comment & correct me, just didn't want to read and run x x
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There are other ways than full sex (gawd I sound like my mother :roll:) It sounds obvious I know but my oh is getting a bit fruity too and I really don't want any pressure. I've always found "spooning" more comfortable if my cysts have been painful and you can control the depth by opening or closing your legs (a pillow between your knees helps if you have bad hips). Best way I have found is to get him so excited beforehand that it's over really quick xxxxxxxxx
I am pretty damn horny, but as it's been a while, I know it would be quite painful, and I don't fancy that in the slightest!
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Thanks ladies.

BB - thought about the spooning - but unfortunately my pelivis and cervix are titlted at a weird angle - and anything where he's behind me has always been a physical imposibility for us. :(

Was thinking about trying to get him to give me a massage before hand to help me relaz a bit - so will see how that goes.
I found that all the positions i like are a no-go as the pressure is so uncomfortable...the only way thats comfy for me now is Cowgirl (on top).

That huge pressure you're feeling is the orgasm-usually this wouldn't be so obvious but seeing as you have a baby in there you can feel LO as your uterus is contracting with the Orgasms! :)
i keep having sexy dreams ..since ive been pregnant ive had loads,yet ive no sex drive atall...is it a common pregnancy thing i wonder
yes i dream about sex all the time but dont actually want it awake..lol x
Auntie2Mummy - i feel really daft now! lol

Haha don't feel daft! i was like WOAH whats that??? Whats going on??? took me a while to actually think my uterus would be contracting with the orgasm
Well ladies at least for me its such a miracle that I have one I forget what they feel like anyway lmao xxxxxxxxxx
Sorry to jump in to tri 2 but this caught my eye. I can't really help much but didn't want to read and run. I have been really horny for the past few weeks and we have had regular sex and I have found orgasms much more intense and uncomfortable for a couple of mins. The main thing I have noticed is that I need a wee straight after cos he has probably pressed on my bladder. If my boobs are sore or I am tired then we give it a miss. OH leaves it to me to make the first move.
that sounds awful!!! I'm not bragging!!! sorry. xxxxxxxlol
I know I sound like a right old slapper when everyone else is saying that they can't bear the thought or don't feel up for it!!! lol. I just can't keep my hands off my OH!!!! pmsl
Alright for some - i think id prefer that. DH keeps asking when are you gonna get to the horny stage. lol

just so you dont feel bad leanne i'll tell you your not the only one, i find it just as fun as it was before if im up for it, havent said no yet tho ive been feeling quite crampy the last few days so havent wanted to but havent been asked either lol
Thanks BevG was starting to feel very out of place. If I feel grotty then he knows not to even begin to approace the subject but just lets me take the lead.
Gotta admit, my appetite for that has gone through the roof, iv always been an "hungry" girl, but since becoming pregnant im worse and iv also noticed the orgasams are amazing. I even asked Oh the other week if he ever wishes I wasnt as horny, he said no... but laughed at the same time the lier and in the next sentence he said he was marrying a nympho.......

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