WARNING TMI - dtd help!

My oh won't come near me Hun. So not sure what it fells like! God knows how he's coping! X
Thank god it's not just me that's been feeling frisky. DH commented that he reckons both our libidos have increased since I got PG (I think it make him feel all studly loooool). Im deffo more sensitive in the region as it were. Having to adjust position a bit more now I'm getting bigger but were both having a fine old time. I was a bit too sensitive and crampy in Tri1 but as Tri2 has progressed that's got much better. Maybe some of you ladies who have been abstaining might want to experiment a bit as you get further along :D
We have found that if you go to the edge of the bed so that he is standing/kneeling at the side of the bed and supports your legs as you lie on the bed on your back you can do a version of the missionary without any pressure on the stomach. Still get that weird pressure with orgasm though.
never thought id be wishing for sex with out the orgasm - but that would prob be good right now. lol


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