WARNING- MIL rant coming....


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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just need to rant- mil (well OH's mum- we not married)
asked OH to borrow £30 on friday she said she'd give it back tuesday and that she needed some shopping! i heard him say no coz we're skint and we're goimg away next week but she must have persuaded him coz he said ok and lent her it anyway. Tuesday she said she didn't have it but would give it back friday (tomorrow) before we leave, anyway she rang me this morning and asked to have hayden for the day i said not really coz i'm going away tomorrow and i want to spend time with him before i leave..she wouldn't really take no for an answer and said.."yah but i'll just have him a few hours..take him for some lunch"so i agreed..she came over and made a joke about wanting to buy her dad something nice for fathers day but would have to borrow more money off my OH to pay for it?! (not funny) then when she brought him back just now she had been to mcdonalds and bought him some new pyjamas and she had other shopping bags aswell.shesaid to me "oh i'll bring that money i owe over in the morning before you leave" i don't know if she will or not...i meanif she hasn't got it now wheres she gonna get it before the morning..i know its £30 but its not the point you know what i mean??

i don't think a 41 yr old woman should be borrowing money off her son with a young family when we are hard up as it is..i don't borrow money off my parents..we saw OH's nan and grandad yesterday and apparently she borrowed money off them this week too :x :x
This makes me so mad hun, i have a simular situation my sil borroed £100 last sept was supposed to be for 2 weeks, we have had £20 of it back, she has never worked a day in her life they have a 3 bed council house paid for run a car and are always spending money it makes me so mad, my husband has asked her afew times and she is always skint, how do these people sleep at night :evil:
i know..i wonder whos money she was spending on hayden today?
lol £100 though that takes the biscuit..thats a lot of money when you think how many nappies and stuff you could get you know?
i know hun and i only found out by accident that my husband had given it her because he knew i would go mad but £5 or £100 it should be returned when they have said
i'd be really mad if i were you. times are hard for everyone at the mo, especially those with a young family x
i am mad but i don't know what to say because i don't want to fall out with her over it..silly i know! OH wiil be really peed off when he gets in from work..i'll let him say something! if she doesn't bring the money he is going to fall out with her because she persuaded him by saying he would have it back in time for us going away!
That's shocking.

If I were you I wouldn't ask for a penny of it back.. (if your able to that is) Then in future if she ever asks again refuse on the grounds she didn't pay this one back.

I hate lending money to people for this reason.

My step dad lent £9,000!!! to his brother in America to do some work on a house he was doing up.. he has £1,000 back so far :roll:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
That's shocking.

If I were you I wouldn't ask for a penny of it back.. (if your able to that is) Then in future if she ever asks again refuse on the grounds she didn't pay this one back.

I hate lending money to people for this reason.

My step dad lent £9,000!!! to his brother in America to do some work on a house he was doing up.. he has £1,000 back so far :roll:

woah thats on another level...i would be seriously mad if it were that much..not that i have 9 grand to lend lol!!

yeh i'm gonna stay out of it now and let OH sort it out or me and her are gonna seriously fall out! oh yeah she got Hayden a balloon from mcdonalds too....ITS PINK!!! lol
Oh hunny I hear you! My MIL borrows money from my OH all the time, she takes $500 a month! (sorry I am not from the UK :roll: ) She says it is for his car insurance but before we moved into our apartment she only had him paying $200 a month, so I don't believe her. We seriously go hungry sometimes and can no longer afford our apartment, and she still has spent thousands on our LO.
She gave us money for the first time last month, $400 for groceries, so I am not as pissed anymore.

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