wanting to try again


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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hey ladies,

i want to try again for another baby but the other half is not on my side says to wait a few yrs, but i have all the stuff ready i feel ready in myself to have another 1, i have a double buggy as i look after another lil boy in the day time my son is 20 months n in a big boys bed so we have a cot bed, n lil stuff like that.

1 problem is is that the OH is on the NHS to get sircumsizes (spelling crap ) well no need to say anymore then that, but we havent had sex in about yr now, hes been on the waiting list since december last yr kkeep ringin them n hes due to see the surgen in september time ( not long)

another thing is that im on the depo jab, im due to have it again on the 16th auguest but im in 2 minds weather to get it agin or not, i really want to have another baby so they can grow up together

Any surgestions ???
i would speak to ur OH and ask him mayb to put his op on hold or ask him to try now for another baby b4 he goes through the op as the op is so final and mayb in a while he might also want another little one and not have the chance to

I wish ya all the best

:hug: :hug:
did you mean to write a circumcision (foreskin removal) or a vasectomy? (snip, so no longer able to have children?)

You could stop taking the depo now as it may take your body some months to get back to normal.

Keep nagging your husband, you have a couple of months at least to convince him, and after he's recovered from the circumcision operation you can really start to try for a baby :)
Ive had the depo before and have read that it can take up to 2 years for your body to get back to normal as it stops you from ovulating, i had my last shot in May 2005 then went on to have the merina coil which i had removed in Jan 07
circumcision (foreskin removal) thats the 1 thanks

i will keep on to the other half but i dont want to push him into something he dont want atm i have waited n waited , we meet the surgens in september but thats not 4 the op that just to see if he can have it so it mayb another 6 months b4 that if he gets the green light
Sorry i read ur thread wrong i picked it up that he was getting a vasectomy.... silly me
Sorry p
Good luck Puppy.

I have read that lots of women will not go back on depo again, I don't think we get told the problems by doctors that some women have with conceiving after being on it - not that i wanna worry you as i have also read that others have no problems at all. But the depo web site says it can take at least 9 months for ovulation to resume :wall:

Hope this has helped a bit?? :D
So, ditch that depo, you have several months to convince your hubby if you can't have sex till after his op anyway :)

Good luck :hug:
Good luck convincing him. It's really hard when one partner wants another, and the other doesn't.
I hope you're able to come to an agreement :hug:
thanks huni,

my OH is not comin to the idea i dont want to wait a few yrs cus i would love to have nother baby, i dont mind the sleepless nites either,

the OH is not coming round to the idea but im going to work on him, also i have decided to come off the depo jab :D

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