Want to cry


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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At my mum and stepdads, can't get back to sleep. Can't really do anything but sit in bed. Feel really emotional, want to go home but no way of getting home at this time of night! I've just been lying thinking OMG I'm pregnant and I'm scared I'll
Be a crap mum. Scared I'll get ill again, scared about judgements people who don't know me will make. :'( Deep down I know I'll try my best and be a good mum it's more about what other people think that worries me. Not the people who know me because they know where I am in my life but all these new health professionals who will read old notes about me and make snap judgements.

Anyway I'm just being daft and hormonal :s

be a crap
Awww hope you drifted off hun it'll all work out try not worry xxxxxxx
It doesnt matter what anyone else thinks hun, aslong as your happy and you know you can be a good mum thats all that matters, keep you chin up and hope you got some rest x x

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Your be ok Hun! This is my 2nd and I still think I'll be a crap mum! We all get negative days but there will be plenty more positives too! Chin up Hun x x
You will be fine, stuff what other people think,
TBH I think the same in a way, that people are judging the age difference between me and my partner
I hope you managed to doze off, I think other people will always have a comment about other people but you just have to brush it off, I am pregnant with my 6th baby and I know people will be talking about me, saying I am crazy and what about the other kids what can I give 6 kids, where will they all go. well I choose to think more along the lines of sod other people yes they can have their opinion but if i'm happy and my kids are happy what does it matter, and believe me no one is the perfect parent I am still learning now, we all make mistakes but we learn from them is the important thing. keep your chin up.
Thanks everyone :) more positive today! Feeling really sick though lol.

X x x x
Don't think you wil be a crap mam!!! of course you won't ... when you get your little one in your arms everything will work out xxx
Noway dont think like that, you'll be a great mum!! ignore what everyone else thinks, just like shauna said, when your little ones in your arms evrything will work out just fine!x

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