Want my body back :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I didn't sleep last night and I'm in agony today. My hand/wrist hurts and my left hip is really bad which is spreadin into my back so movin is near impossible. I feel like an old woman and I've broke down in tears twice already today cos I just ache :'(
I've wanted my body back for the last 3 weeks I hate what effect pregnancy has on the body.
I'm in constant agony. I have to sleep on 7 pillows to sleep upright as I cannot sleep on my sides or I will end up screaming down the house bcos of the pain that shoots through my body n bump from my hips. (thank you SPD)
I go from constipated one day to having dihorreah the next. I look look full term pregnant to the point ppl on the street n midwives/Drs ask me when I'm due n tell me I look massive I just want to cry n slap them but I can't.
A ten min walk takes me 45 mins. All that's missing is a zimmerframe with tennis balls at the end, prune juice, dentures cos I feel like an old biddy who hasn't seen her vajajay since my 25th birthday in June

I feel ur pain all the way my love. It's hard to express to ppl around u cos u get dumb coments like
"well, these things happen in pregnancy", "don't worry it will all be over soon", "welcome to motherhood"
Etc.......those things don't help you in the here n now. It makes u feel worse. Sometimes it's nice to be lied to in pregnancy. For once I'd just like to hear "Aww ur so tiny" or something nice :'(

I don't do well with displaying emotions.....deep down I'm a hot mess n would be in tears at everything. It's safer to bottle it up. It's less embarrassing n no one can judge me that way :|

I really hope things pick up for you tho emmamb :)
Aw big hugs, like lealea said we all understand on here and u dont get comments like "u havent experienced anything yet or wait til baby arrives" ppl that have had babies seem to forget quite quickly how it felt before. I spend most of the day and night in the bath as the water is the only thing that helps x try to get a snooze today if u can not easy with animals and kids i know but i ind an hour in the day helps me at night x
Ur on final stretch and i am crying everyday i am so frustrted! I love carrying my baby but sometimes i just want a day off from all the aces and pains x
I would love a day off. I'm gonna jump in the bath n relax.
It's like I'm hungry but don't know what to eat
Sending you a hug Emma and one for Lea Lea too, as you both sounds like your having really bad time at the mo. Just read a thread from Bidsy who is also having this trouble. Hang in there X

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