

Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2008
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I'm only in my first trimester, but I have a question. Between about 5 and 7 months how far can you generally walk each day? The reason I ask is, we just saw a house for rent that is everything we could want, but it also involves a mile walk to the nearest bus stop. Generally I can walk for miles, but I'm wondering if I'd manage that getting to work every day. It would only be until I was 7 months, but then I suppose there is also hospital and doctor appointments. We don't drive either, but we're really keen. But I have a feeling it's probably a silly idea.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Hey hun!

I think it really depends on the individual.

I'm really struggling at the moment with the extra weight and SPD. I used to get to work in 7 minutes...now takes me about 23!! :shock: :shakehead: :wall:
I walk everyday and am managing ok but I have to walk really slow and have noticed I get a braxton hicks whenever I do walk. I suppose everyone is different and have their limits so do whatever you feel comfortable with
yes, i think it totally depends on you pregnancy. i have had no trouble at all walking. in the last few weeks i have been getting a lot of braxton hicks which slow me for a few seconds, but other than that i can still walk for miles without any problems.
Im a childrens photographer also (which requires a lot of running about and getting on the floor etc) and am only just finding its getting a lot harder now. probably only be working for the next 2 weeks before i stop taking on clients.
Its a bit hard to say really, i have bad SPD so struggle to walk around the house, other people have no problems at all and sail through,

Unfortunately you are not likely to develop these sort of problems until later on in your pregnancy, wouldnt a crystal ball be lovely!
I used to walk into town all the time at the beginning of this pregnancy which I would say is just about a mile walk. Last time I did it was at about 33 weeks and it killed me! There is no way I'd do it now!
I was alright up until about 30 weeks. I could still do a mile now but would really suffer later in the evening when I sat down.
I have SPD but still can walk a couple of miles on Saturdays... I always end up regretting it because I'm exhausted, though. On a day to day basis, I probably walk about half a mile plus whatever mileage I put on at work. I just go slowly. There are days when I could do a lot more and there have been a few days I couldn't do it at all. Before I had too many problems with SPD and being larger, I could easily walk about 20 miles in one day, though, just to give you something to compare to.
Thanks for all the great replies. It also makes me wonder, is it possible to cycle when heavily pregnant? That might be an option to make getting to the bus stop easier.
Hmm again depends if you get anything like SPD...last thing I want to do with it is be on a bike!

Plus it depends how big your bump gets. I would say if you are lucky you could manage it, but still expect to be a lot slower even on the bike as a big bump may restrict you too :)
Deffo depends on your pregnancy when I was ill at the start I could barely walk 20foot with out needing to sit but now Im better I walk 2miles each way to and from my car everyday and am absolutely fine doing it. :) Just hope your one of the lucky ones in general I wouldnt think a mile would be too bad as long as you take it easy.xx
Hey hun!

I personally can't walk up the stairs at the moment let alone for a mile because of SPD! :shock:

TBH though, I think a lot of it is down to the fact I never exercise and never have! I drive everywhere etc so my stamina wasn't great to start with!

I think it will be hard to predict whether you will be able to walk that far as pregnancies are very individual things. Although I am another SPD sufferer, I can walk a mile but then I'm used to walking much further normally. I do walk at a much slower pace now though. And lugging around my bowling ball of a baby is very tiring :lol:
I think if your very active your likely to stay active spd would cause abig problem but I think if you do alot of walking then your muscles are more built up and you have slightly less chance of getting spd (could be wrong on that) I walk my dog up to 3 times a day, I have days when Im more tired then others and find it harder to get going or by the end am feeling it but I still manage to walk him and find generally it makes me feel beter for keeping active it is largely up to the individual though. Dont think cycling heavily pregnant would be all that recommended the further on you are the more your balance is effected and falling off wouldn't do you or baby much good! I find if I squat down and balance to put my dogs lead on sometimes im all wobbly let alone ridding a bike theres no way I'd risk that right now!
I forgot to mention that I can't walk uphill because of my SPD and I definitely don't do stairs. But I can walk on and on if it's pretty flat, normally. As far as cycling goes, I personally wouldn't be able to get onto the bike (or off), again, because of my SPD, but the physios say if you cycled before then you can carry on as long as your body allows it. Just listen to your body and if anything hurts or you get overly tired, don't ignore it.
Depends on you tbh. If you are fit and well now keep up the walking and hopefully you won't develop SPD (or whatever it is they call it these days) or other complication. If you don't have problems you'll probably would be ok. It'll be slower progress though as your pregnancy progresses.

I walked every day right up to the day I gave birth, sometimes a mile, sometimes more and always half of it uphill :lol:

The things to consider are a) when on maternity leave will you want to get out and about also via the bus? If so are you happy to waddle the mile to the bus and then travel on it (worse comes to worse do your supermarket shop online and have it delivered) and b) once LO is here be aware that the first few weeks will be hard and if you have stitches or some such it will be painful for a fair while. Chances are walking any kind of distance won't be much fun then.

Also cycling is not advised past first tri iirc. TBH once you have a bump sitting on a bike is dangerous (if you fall or slip it could cause serious injury/problems) and would be bloody uncomfy I'd think. Your whole centre of gravity changes also. Its nothing like what you are used to now and its easy to misjudge things.
Thanks for all the help. We ended up deciding not to get the cottage, it was just too far to walk, even for anyone who wasn't pregnant. So that'll be one less thing to worry about when I do get that far in my pregnancy.

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