

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2006
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hiya i know its probably already been discusses but when did you babas start to walk? and how long was it from pulling up and cruising till them taking their first steps?
Sophie started walking when she was 14 months i cant remeber what age she started pulling herself up :D
Aaron was nearly 10 months when he took his first steps. He pulled himself up at about 7 months. All babies are different though :)
Braydon was 12 months 4 days walking
and started pulling herself up at bout 8.5 months
Aimee has been pulling herself up on the furniture and walking round it for about 2 months now but shes still not brave enough to go on her own and she is 12 months. My other daughter was walking at 11 months so it shows how different they are. Aimee prefers to crawl although i know she can walk if she want s to she just doesn't.
abigail was 11 months when she started walking
tia was 13 months when she started walking
and jordan is still not walking yet and he will be 1 on sunday!!!
cant remember what ages they were when they started pulling themselfs up tho
Dior was pulling herslef up at 10months walking round the sofa from 11 months and walking around the house at 13/14 months
Lydia pulled herself up at 9 months.
I'm not sure when she started cruising - probably around 11 months.
She started walking on her own at 12 and a half months.
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
Braydon was 12 months 4 days walking
and started pulling herself up at bout 8.5 months

you been drinking hun, or has B had a sex change? :rotfl:
Pulling himself up I can't remember, walking on his own 11 months to the day, I was so glad my dad was there to see. :)
She started pulling herself up at 8 months and was crusing almost straight away. She took her first steps at 10 months 3 weeks and has been walking well since 11 months :)
Daniel camando (sp) crawled until he was 10 months. He bum-shuffled until he was 12 months and then he started crawling properly. He cruised the funiture until he was 18 1/2 months and at 18 1/2 months he started walking.

I will add that he met all of his physical mile stones at the later end of the development scale (still within normal limits) and only did them when he was good and ready.

Months before he walked on his own he would walk holding one of my hands, he was so steady people did not realise he was not walking on his own yet.

Daniel was the typical late walker cliche, on the day he decided to walk on his own he actually ran.

For any mum who is concerned about their baby not rolling, crawling or walking etc. yet, although Daniel was at the late end of the scale for his physical development, now that he has turned two you can't tell the difference between him and the babies who walked at 9 or 10 months (I know a few and it really did worry me at the time).
My daughter walked at 11 months but my little boy walked around holding my hand at 7 and a half months and walked on his own at 8 and a half months,(i never bought him a walker) he hated crawling and never really did,he'd scream the place down to be stood on his feet and walk with my hand rather than crawl across the room.

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