Waking up on tummy


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Jan 17, 2009
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My OH had to wake me up in the night as I'd rolled over on to my tummy. Most of the time it's ok but there have been 3 or 4 times recently now this has happened and I'm really worried I'm going to crush the baby, particularly as my bump is growing quite a lot now. Does this happen to anyone else and is there anything I can do to prevent it?
Im the opposite im waking on my back ......
have you tried a pillow dunno if it will help :hug:
I haven't tried a pillow but will give it a go, it's weird though as I didn't have a habit of sleeping on my front before I was pregnant :?

Thanks Sweetpea
I doubt you will crush the baby or anything like that, but I can imagine it being uncomfortable. Perhaps you can get one of those really big long pillows that you kinda hug between your legs...you can get them from the National Childcare Trust and I think Mothercare do them as well. They also look well snug!
I usually sleep with a pillow in between my legs (if im sleeping on my side) and it stops me from rolling over as well as making me more comfortable. Try getting a pillow and having it between the legs as well as resting just under your bump.. you can actually buy proper pregnancy pillows that do the job but I just use one of the pillows from the guest bedroom. I find my back is less twisted aswell so I don't wake up in agony.
just popping in from 3rd tri. :wave: :wave:

I bought a V pillow from Dunelm. It was only £5 I think and I found that helped me to stop moving over to my tummy. I have to say tho that once I get bigger there is no way I could get onto my tummy even if i wanted to :lol: baby is also very well protected in there and I cant see it doing alot of harm but might feel uncomfy to u? :hug:
That sounds like a bargain Mrs Brightside, will definitely give that a go, thanks. To be honest I rolled over in my sleep so I guess it wasn't so uncomfortable as it didn't wake me up. My hubby had to wake me, it did feel very strange though, like I had a rubber ball under me!
It was the cheapest place I found them. They also had full body pillows pretty cheap as well but they were calling them "bolster pillows" same thing tho!!!

you will get to a point where yr body just wont do it (or like me be able to lol)
Definitely get yourself a pillow...will support bump and stop you rolling over :D
Just to reassure you, I had this problem in pregnancy even though I used a pillow. How I don't know? Even right up to the end, I always found myself on my side as much on my belly as bump would allow when I woke up. In the end, I came out with a little boy with no problems so I'm sure everything will be fine!! Use a pillow as others have advised and I'm sure it will be fine :D

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