Waking up 2 early


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Hi Everyone The last few weeks Jessy has been waking up at 4am every morning and she thinks its getting up time. I'm really not sure whats changed and has caused this as she has had a lovely bedtime/sleeping routine since she was about 9 weeks old. She usually goes to bed at 8pm and would wake up for milk about 5am then sleep until 8am and sometimes 9am but now shes only sleeping til 4am! When she wakes up she makes loads of noise in her cot shouting, squealing, banging her fists on the matress, banging her toys on the bars of the cot we do our best to ignore all the noise in the hope that she will go back to sleep but she never does. After we have ignored the noise for a while she gets upset and starts crying so I get up to try and settle her sometimes I can get her to go back to sleep for a hour. She doesn't really sleep for long during the day a hour or so in the morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon. The lack of sleep is really getting to me and making me feel miserable and I know Jess is really tired too as shes quite miserable during the day and whines alot. Has anyone got any ideas on why shes just started doing this? Also has anyone got any ideas on how to get Jessy to sleep a bit more? xxxxxxxxxxx
could she be hungry i.e having a growth spurt. Do you dream feed? Does she have black out blinds?
midna said:
Coor 9pm-4am sounds like a dream :lol:

agreed :rotfl: .... it is probably a spurt although babies just do these things...:roll:
Thanks for the replies ladies. :D I don't think shes hungry as she has 5 7oz bottles and also has breakfast and a meal in the afternoon aswell. She doen't have black out blinds but the curtains are pretty heavy so don't let very much light in and I don't think its the light disturbing her as its not too light at 4am. I don't dream feed but will give it a try tonight and see if it makes a difference. Will let you all know in the morning. Hopefully I'm gonna get my sleep tonight :sleep: :D xxxxxxxxx
My son went through a period of about 2 weeks doing this, thinking its play time at 4am babbling to himself. Its quiet funny sometimes he'll go quiet and i think yes! hes asleep! peep around the corner and all i can see is his crazy legs dancing around in the air! :doh:

What works 50% of the time is as soon as i hear him babbling i make a bottle, wrap him snug in his blanket and feed him in the dark and dont talk. Sometimes he'll be sleepy enough but soon as i see his legs in the air i know its wakey wakey time for mummy! :roll:

Good luck! as the others have said hopefully its a growth spurt! Once you get use to a nights sleep its horrible going back to having to wake up again!
Well dream feeding didn't work as Jessy woke up even earlier that morning at 3.20am! I couldn't get her back to sleep untill 5am then she was awake for the day at 7.
Got a full nights sleep last night tho :cheer: as we were at nannys and didn't get back til half 9 and Jessy was so tired but theres no way I'm gonna be letting her stay up that late every night.
Hopefully this is just a growth spurt as you have all suggested and she will grow out of it am praying this isn't gonna be a permanent thing now :pray: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Finley has started doing this too, a lot of it i suspect is down to the early mornings, as it seems to get bright quite early!
No idea but mine is up at 4am or sometimes she sleeps in until 5am. I tried giving her a bottle then thinking it might trick her into going back to sleep but she only added an extra 45 mins and then was really awake and crawling around and (the new thing...) jumping in her cot :roll:

Does your LO got to sleep a couple of hours later, kind of 'making up' the rest of the night?

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