

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I am having a real 'down' day today, just want my AF to arrive so we can start TTC again after the miscarriage. Seems to be taking forever!!! I am hoping the witch will arrive on 6th, but I think that may be wishful thinking! That would be 31 days after miscarriage which is my usual cycle length.

Me and hubby have tried to be careful but we have have had unprotected sex twice since the miscarriage, not be tracking ovulation or anything because it will just drive me mad! Decided to wait until AF arrives and start from then.

Slightly worried if I have conceived straight after the miscarriage, just really don't think I can go through this again!
Soo sorry to hear about your loss Laura :hug:

I have never had the misfortune of experiencing a MC but i can imagine it must be pretty horrific.

Good luck hun and hope everything works itself out xx
Hey lovel I was too in limbo land after my miscarriage it took 38 days for cycle to start and it seems to be heading in right direction I have come off a day earlyer than before so 7 day af instead of 8 and I have started bd-ing again too catch it this tine!!! X x good luck don't panic I know it's easyer said that done I too was in limbo land xx x
im sorry to hear about your MC hun, i hope that she comes soon for you, so you can start tying again. good luck xx
Sending you a ((((hug)))) Laura and fingers crossed for you getting your sticky BFP asap xxx
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage, and hope you guys get up the duff soon!!

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