Hi everyone, Im brand new to this board and brand new to TTC. Im 29 and have been married for 4 and half years. Weve been together for nearly 14 years and have always talked about trying for a baby when the time is right. This time last year we were seriously discussing trying in early 2016 but hubby got cold feet and asked if we could wait, he also surprised me with a trip to New York this Christmas and New Year to celebrate my 30th birthday so I didnt mind waiting another year too much. I stopped taking the pill around that time and weve been using condoms since but have now decided not to use anything and see what happens. Im taking vitamins with all the useful stuff in but havent started obsessively tracking my cycle or taking my temperature or anything like that yet. Hoping to keep it fun for a couple of months before going all out. Its exciting to feel like were finally taking steps in that direction and to see what next year will bring!!