Waiting to miscarry... :o(


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2014
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:wall:We've had 4 miscarriages so far. This time (5th) I went to the 6 week scan and the gestational sac was empty. After two weeks of blood tests and scans it's still empty. I've stopped taking the cyclogest on Monday and am now waiting to miscarry. Does anyone know how long this could take?

I have the option of a medical or surgical miscarriage but really just can't be arsed with more hospital appointments.

What's the worst case scenario? could this take weeks? Should I ask for a rescan before going with one of the two options above?

I'm just fed up, depressed and angry. I feel let down by my body that NOW it's decided to hold on to a pregnancy and it's not even viable. FFS!
So sorry for what you're going through. You are so strong I can't imagine facing this 5 times.
I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. You're more experienced than me (if that's the right term to use?!) so not sure I can advise you, only to say my story is a bit similar in that my miscarriage was diagnosed before I had any bleeding / cramping etc. so I spent a few days waiting to miscarry and I honestly found the 'waiting/not knowing' days worse than the days 'coming to terms with it' after the miscarriage. I opted for a natural miscarriage on the doctors advice that it would probably be like a 'bad period' - a couple of days later I was in a severe amount of pain and barely conscious when my husband called an ambulance. I was prepped for a D&C but given gas& air in the meantime and passed a large clot - after this my pain eased to a manageable level almost immediately so didn't have the surgery. I don't tell you this to scare you in any way - I just wish someone had warned me beforehand that it could be worse than a 'bad period' and I might have considered my options more carefully. In hindsight a d&c might have been more sensible?
That being said, after the initial trauma I recovered very quickly - I bled for only 6 days and my cycles went back to normal almost immediately - I got a positive opk today only 17 days after my miscarriage. I don't know if this would have been the case had I opted for medical management or a d&c? Who knows ...
On the Friday morning My HCG had dropped very low - 54, and non-viable pregnancy was confirmed but still no physical signs of miscarriage and still had all my pregnancy symptoms. I had cramping / spotting Sunday then miscarried on the Monday morning. Some ladies told me that they carried to 12 weeks (missed miscarriage) even though pregnancy stopped at 6 weeks, so you might want to consider this info when making your decision also.
I don't tell you my story to worry you - and as you have been through a natural miscarriage before you have a good idea of how your body deals with it but if you start getting bad cramps make sure your partner or someone is with you - I was very lucky my husband was home and not prepared for how my 'natural' miscarriage went even though I was expecting it to happen.
I wish you all the best at this horrible time and am here if you want to talk. There's a lot of lovely ladies on here.
Thinking of you xxx
Thank you summer15, I am always thinking of the worst case scenario and so everyone around me is aware that if I collapse the. It's ambulance time! I think you are right tho. It's the waiting that is driving me insane. I'm am having light cramping so I keep thinking that today's the day, but then another day passes with nothing.

I'll just have to grin and bear it.
Squemers, Im so sorry you are going through this, and for the 5th time! I cant imagine the frustration you must feel.
Firstly,I would definately ask to be scanned again in 7-10 days just to be sure. I have had 2 missed miscarriages in the past 6 months (the first at 11w the second at 8w) and opted for medical management both times as a) D&C's arent really encouraged here (I live in the Netherlands) unless there are complications and b) I just couldnt handle the wait-it-out option either.
Both times the pills worked immediately and I had no major issues.
But as Summer15 said, it is definately worse than a bad period! More like, a bad, BAD period! I only knew what to expect after reading some of the experiences from ladies on here and knew not to freak out when all the clots and sac came out. But you will get through it.

Wishing you all the best and I really hope your nenxt BFP is your sticky one

**Have you had tests done to determine what might be the cause of the recurrent miscarriages?
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Cocosherbie it's ironic that we started the tests on the 14th October and then had the BFP on the 15th. So all that has been on hold. As soon as this is done and 8 weeks have passed we will continue with the tests.
So sorry for your losses i opted for medical management as was too scared of an op an didnt want to play the waiting game ......as unpleasant as it was an i certainly dont want to go thru it again i felt as i had seen "things" pass i knew it was gone compared to the weeks after an before that it was the "easier" bit (an i dont mean that to sound bad take care of urself xx
I'm so sorry you are going through this Hun. I had a missed miscarriage where the pregnancy stopped at 6 weeks and I didn't find out anything was wrong until 12 weeks and I started to bleed. I was scanned a week later, no growth and the sac was still there despite my bleeding. I was pushed into having the medical management, having wanted a D&C. The medical management in my case was not successful and I then had to wait to see if my body would clear the rpoc on its own and if it didn't they wanted to then do a D&C. I didn't get the all clear until the end of January after a confirmed miscarriage in early December xxx
NatEvs that sounds awful. I am pleased to report that my bleed started today...but if this whole process has taught me anything, it's taught me that it's not over till the fat lady sings! so at this stage I am keeping my fingers crossed for a complete clear out to avoid further treatment!

Many thanks for all your comments and support. It's comforting to know that the support is here...right from the TTC, through the BFP to here x
The treatment I received in our local hospital was dire and I did go on to put a full complaint in. But I survived :) and without having gone through it we would have never had our rainbow. I hope things go as smoothly for you as they possibly can lovely xxx

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