Waiting for DS results...

Marijana FC

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Hi everybody! I have a question: last Thursday a midwife took my blood for DS screening. I am waiting for the results now. Do you know how long does it take for them to be ready? MW said that if the risk was high she would be coming at my house. Otherwise I should receive a letter from the hospital. But she never said when that might be...I am really anxious to find out (as you can imagine)!
Hi i got my results back within 10 days, via a letter, if it was high risk im sure you would no by now

good luck hu :wave: ni
I don't know the answer to your question but like others have said, if there was anything serious or something needed re-tested etc then you'd have heard something by now. The more days you hear nothing the less likely it is that there is anything to report about. No news is good news!!
Marijana FC said:
Hi everybody! I have a question: last Thursday a midwife took my blood for DS screening. I am waiting for the results now. Do you know how long does it take for them to be ready? MW said that if the risk was high she would be coming at my house. Otherwise I should receive a letter from the hospital. But she never said when that might be...I am really anxious to find out (as you can imagine)!

Which DS test did you have? I had the integrated test, where one blood sample was taken at 12 weeks and another at 15 weeks. I received my test results about 2 weeks after the 2nd blood sample was taken.
Mine took about 10 days but had to phone the surgery for the results...It seems to vary area to area

I agree seems to be different evreywhere maybe ring her and ask her?
Mine was back in about 4 days via a letter and that worried the hell out of me being so soon , just said i am not at high risk no % like 1 in 300 or anything!
mine were back really quickly and were good news my risk is 1 in 6368 lol so i'm pretty happy with those odds

don't worry it doesnt normally take long and i'm sure they would ring you sooner if there were any problems :hug:
Thank you all for answering my question! Yeah, I suppose you are right: no news is a good news! I think I will give them a bit more time and then I'll probably phone my MW next week (if I don't here anything before that)
Anyway, thanks a lot! :D
I was told I would get a phone call within 4 days if it was high or a letter within 10 days if it was low.... everytime the phone rang we jumped out of our skin! But our letter came within a week.
i was also told if high risk would get a cll within 3 or 4 days if low risk a ltter within 10 days. SO it looks like good news!

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