Waitin for the midwife...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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..as a few of you will know ive recently moved from the "countryside" to Oldham.

ive always loved the idea of having a homebirth but basically it was out of the question back in tod, as it is about 30 mins drive to the hospital, if anyhting was to go wrong its too far.

But my new house is about 5 mins from the hospital, so i asked my midwife if i wud be able to and she said she wud come to my house today to talk about it/sort arrangements!

how exciting eh :D

everyone keep ur fingers crossed, i might get my home birth after all!!!! :D
Goodluck lozzi!
I booked my homebirth last friday, im so excited and feel so much more relaxed now!
Keep us updated
x x x
im so impatient!! she still hasnt been :(

i remember her sayin when i was in clinic last time that she was visiting a lady on MY road, who is also the same gestation!! how groovy is that
Good luck Lozzi, hope you get your home birth!
:) Wow Lozzi go for it :cheer: i was able to be at home for 6 hours and they were so stressless and calm and the midwifes are great :cheer:

All the best :hug: :D
thanks ladies!!!

tasha, even if she says i cant hav a homebirth im planning on staying at home as long as i can possibly for the relaxed feeling ur talking about..
Best of luck Lozzi a homebirth sounds good for you!!

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