If only vitamin supplements were as easily absorbed as those from food, then we wouldn't need food at all, only little pills
What I mean is that you taking a vitamin supplement containing vitamin A for a few weeks isn't the same as getting it from, say liver (with all the hormones and stuff animals get pumped into them before they become meat!).
I'm not medically qualified, but you'll just have to relax and put this out of your mind. If babies were as easily damaged as the public health pundits would have us believe nowadays, then the human race would have died out long ago (and a few generations ago, women wouldn't have been risking their lives to have illegal abortions, when all they had to do was drink, smoke, eat liver, blue cheese and drink lots of tea!).
Sorry if I sound facetious, but I think that we're going too much in the same direction as the pregnancy facists in the U.S. I think much of this is a way to control women. Next, we'll be prosecuted for drinking a strong coffee when we're pregnant! Yes, I'm sure in some states it was mooted whether to make such actions a criminal offence (but don't quote me on it
Sorry, rant over. I'm just becoming sick of all the "advice", which seems too much to me like we're heading for the criminalisation of things done/not done during pregnancy.
"Enjoy your pregnancy"? Ha! They've got us all worried sick.