Views on Quinny Buzz and icandy peach


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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Hi all,

I have my pram choices narrowed down to 2 - the icandy peach or the quinny buzz. I love the look of the icandy but its more expensive, and i also like the quinny buzz travel system as it fits our requirements perfectly but i've heard mixed reviews. We are going to try both again in the next couple of weeks but wanted to see if anybody had any experiences on both prams.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to save 25% off on both, so i can get the complete quinny buzz, dreami carrycot, maxicosi caribofix car seat and the base for around £500 which makes me very happy :dance: i think the icandy and accessories work out around £800 after discount so still a huge difference.

Thoughts welcome :)
We looked at both and went for the buzz, they are quite similar size wise etc, best try them both out and see which u prefer!x
I had the quinny buzz and hated it! It felt like it was gunna tip over when goung down kirbs and over rocky ground! I really dont like 3 wheelers! Also found the tyres puntured easily :(

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Hi Hun,

I know some I candy's are out of stock til December...

i think i'd go for the 4 wheeler option for the quinny buzz. I was out yesterday and saw someone with the 3 wheeler but i prefer the 4.

Ah thats a bummer with the icandy out of stock until December!!!!! Any other viable similar options? I've heard mixed reviews about the quinny buzz but i'm hoping it will work for us. We are going to try them again in the week.
Sorry not a fan of quinnys, ive ordered the icandy peach jogger in cranberry, cant wait until it arrives! Have fun deciding xxx
I love iCandy prams, I have got the iCandy Cherry. x
I just got a mothercare 'my choice' travel system for 370. i's the same people who make quinny. the same thing for half the price! they have the deal now! xx
I love iCandy, iv gone for one. But hear alot of bad stories about there customer service etc. and if you want one get it ordered NOW! There is a waiting list but I know some places have stock of them.
My friend has the quinny buzz and it's actually lovely. My iCandy does nothing that her buzz doesn't. And there is so many nice colours available. And she has the cabrio fix and carrycot and stuff too. She also has a Peugeot 107 and it fits in her boot!!!!xx
We bought the Quinny Buzz, I loved it and it was easy to operate. Can't wait til it's delivered!
I love iCandy, iv gone for one. But hear alot of bad stories about there customer service etc. and if you want one get it ordered NOW! There is a waiting list but I know some places have stock of them.
My friend has the quinny buzz and it's actually lovely. My iCandy does nothing that her buzz doesn't. And there is so many nice colours available. And she has the cabrio fix and carrycot and stuff too. She also has a Peugeot 107 and it fits in her boot!!!!xx

Lolly thats a huge help as my OH has a Toyota Aygo and the boot sizes are the same. Do you know if she has to take off the wheels? I assume she stores the carry cot in the back of the car.
I spoke to someone today who said they had a quinny buzz to start with, but the suspension broke after 11 months! So now she's got an iCandy peach for her new baby and doesnt look back!
I've also ordered the icandy peach, but you must be quick with ordering.. I ordered from a local business called Smollanys in Barry, south wales, and the said the backlog is starting to shift. As I'm not due till December he has reassured me that I won't have any issues with getting it on time!
I'm on my 4th pushchair as I didn't get on with any of the first 3. Ive now for the buzz 4 wheel & I love it. I can go shopping & push the pushchair with one hand & hold a basket with the other. It's much more stable with 4 wheels. Dh is a fussy git but he likes the buzz x
I looked at the buzz but my friend who'd had one advised me to stay well away as hers tipped going off pavements. I have the icandy peach and although it's a bit bigger to load I LOVE it!! Xx
I love iCandy, iv gone for one. But hear alot of bad stories about there customer service etc. and if you want one get it ordered NOW! There is a waiting list but I know some places have stock of them.
My friend has the quinny buzz and it's actually lovely. My iCandy does nothing that her buzz doesn't. And there is so many nice colours available. And she has the cabrio fix and carrycot and stuff too. She also has a Peugeot 107 and it fits in her boot!!!!xx

Lolly thats a huge help as my OH has a Toyota Aygo and the boot sizes are the same. Do you know if she has to take off the wheels? I assume she stores the carry cot in the back of the car.

I'm not sure about the wheel thing, but I'll ask her for you and ask her about the carrycot too! I will text her in the morning!
I know she took her car when she was buying the pram and the shop assistant had it out checking it fitted!!! There is no way that an iCandy would fit in her boot!!!!!xx
Thanks hun that would be really good! I think I'd get the 4 wheel option for the extra stability

Hey :) she says she hadn't had to take the wheels off yet. But her boot has been empty and she has the 3wheeler. The car seat goes to one side of the back seat, and carrycot on the other or she sits it in the front if she's in the car alone. She hasn't hassle it out with the seat unit yet tho! She said its so easy to nip about with the carseat if she's not going to be long :) and defo take your car somewhere that will check it fits and car seat comparability :) xxx

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