views on dummies?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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i never wanted to use a dummy really, but Charlotte is a very "sucky" baby, she is always trying to suck her hands and likes to suck mine or oh finger, it seems to settle her.

Just wondering who uses dumies, and if you have in the past is it hard to get them off the dummy in the future-thats the main thing i am worried about

thanks x
I wasnt mad on the idea of giving Jake a dummy but he was very sucky too. I gave him one ata bout 2 weeks and it helped him settle to sleep but he doesnt have it anymore. He sucks the back of his hand instead :roll:
Without dummies I would have gone mad.... It was like having a limpit stuck to my boob, when I didn't use them..

Its better for them to use dummies though than suck on their hands or fingers.. one) you can't take a thumb/finger/hand away from a kid (you can but it would be considered child abuse :rotfl: ) two) fingers/thumbs/hands cause massive amounts of dental damage...

I used to suck my thumb... and it left me with buck teeth, I was constantly teased over it, it took me ages to stop sucking my thumb, my teeth protruded so much that I fell over once and chipped my adult teeth and have had to have painful dental surgery several times over the course of my life to make it look normal (I've got to have my crown replaced after I've had this baby and it will be horrible :cry: ) and I had two years of painful orthodontic treatment to make my teeth straight..

So when Tia was born, I happily popped a dummy in her mouth to stop her having those kinda problems... Getting Tia off the dummy wasn't that hard either... She stopped having one at around 1 and half, then her stupid paternal Grandmother ended up giving her one when she was around 2ish, and that was more difficult to get rid off, but it was only used at night, and by four years old it was gone... we said Santa would only bring her pressies if she didn't have the dummy and that she had to put it in the bin. And she did...That was it. :D
We never gave Lydia one, but Alex is a very sucky baby aswell so we've had to for him.
I'm hoping he doesn't need it for too long but we'll cross the bridge of getting him adjusted to life after dummy when we come to it lol
I don't like them - I see now why babies need them as DD loves to suck her fists. However, at least we won't have to get up in the night to help her find it when it falls out! We have given her a comforter too which she loves.

Valentine xxx

Heres my view

Kiara had a soother and i loved her having it , was my hero lol but every half hour or so i would have ot wake up because it fell out of her mouth.
Was easy to get ride of did it at 6 months a week after she went in her own room was a few days of sleepless nights for me but was well worth it .

So with Kadyn we have not given him one so he sucks on his two middle fingers lol ( so cute) and he sleeps 5-8 hours a night where Kiara didnt sleep that long till she was a year old because after i took the soother away she had to learn to sooth herself to sleep which was hard for her. :D

So im all for soother or no soother im just trying out both ways and so far i like it with no soother for Kadyn and dont intend to give him one this time just to take it away in a few months.

The hospital gave Jonah one to help him learn how to suck. We stopped it through the day when he started nursery...just before he was3 and he just had it when he went to bed. His baby teeth have grown in funny. The top and bottom front teeth do not meet and the speech therapist says his speech is affected by it.He spaeks with his tongue at the front of his mouth, as if to keep the dummy in. He was slow to speak...maybe due to being prem...but also maybe due to the dummy??? Whatever, I was gutted and felt like worllds worst parent. Dentist says his teeth will fix without corrective action and his speech is on the up all the time...

He gave it up without a problem, it's the grandparents you've gotta watch!!

And for all I've said thats bad this baby will have one if she wants, I'll just make sure it's an orthodontic one so it doesn't do anything to her teeth or speech and take it away quicker!

Good luck with whatever you do :hug:
renee has never used a dummie, her dad tried it a couple of times but thta was just to shut her up.

she fine she doesn't need one, she sucks her hands but not all them time. :D
Squiglet said:
Without dummies I would have gone mad.... It was like having a limpit stuck to my boob, when I didn't use them..

Sometimes Ry makes me feel exactly like that! He's put on so much weight too, I think it's best he sucks something that doesn't squirt milk when he doesn't need it.
MIne both have dummies i was asked to give Willow one when she was jaundice and i couldn't pick her up to soothe her and COnal was given one in his incubator to soothe him, Conal isn't really that fussed and Willow is getting too old now so i think we maybe leaving them for Santa this year, most of my cousins kids have had then till they were about 5 one of them would come home from school have a quick go and then go back so it's not a big deal if it doesn't happen they will grow out of them eventually,

Stephen didnt have one and didnt need one, but DD doe and without it she wouldnt shut up as shes a very suky baby that gets a lot of comfort from it, at night though she dont use it.
Dylan had one from about 3 weeks he gave it up for his thumb and virtually never awants one was what he needed now he doesn't. He was only given it when he needed it for comfort not for occupation

There is also sids info saying giving a baby a dunmmy when going to sleep can reduece the incidence of cot death
the first 2 weeks we used a dummy (it seemed she was at her most "sucky-est" as a newborn; shes less so now)

then she wouldnt take one for ages, just refused it and spat it out.

now sometimes i give her one 2 chill her out, but its very annoying coz it falls out all the time then she cries, so "dummy duty" is blookdy hard work having 2 put it in every 2 seconds! i joked that there should be a strap attatchment 2 keep it in! its 2 much hassle i dont bother unless im tryna eat or answer the fone or somet and shes crying 4 no reason
Summer has had a dummy since she was a week old and I kinda regret giving her one because she hates being without it so I know I will have a hard job when the time comes to get her to stop using it.
Jake has a dummy but I will try to stop him having it by the time he is 2 as I hate seeing older children sucking on a dummy. I will use one again if we have another baby aswell now that the SIDS info has come out saying that dummies can help reduce the risk of cot death. I don't see anything wrong with them if they help to comfort your baby. The only downside is weaning them off it.
We were dead against dummy but when your baby is screaming in the middle of the night - it was a god send!!!!! We're very lucky cos Ben is not that fussed by it, he only has it to go to sleep (or if he's being really stressy in the day) but as soon as he's asleep it falls out adn he isn;y bothered at all. A couple of times he's gone to bed without it and doesn't seem bothered.
Libby has a dummy, but she only has it for daytime napping, she doesn't need it at any other time, I try to resist giving it to her unless she's bawling and won't get off as I know the dummy will work.
Whoevre said its the grandparents you've gotta watch is absolutely right.....Libby nanny's always say 'wheres her dummy' ' put her dummy in' - when she's not even making a slight whimper!! :shakehead: :roll:
Molly,my eldest was a dummy addict, and so is Sam. I didn't let Molly take it out of the house after she turned one, I only let her have it in bed. We then 'lost' it just before she was two.

Aimee sucks her thumb, which is fine by me. Her teeth are absolutely fine. She only really sucks it when she's tired, and it's getting less and less. She's now three, and I read that as long as they stop before the second teeth come in they'll be fine. I sucked my thumb and never had a problem with my teeth.

I wish Sam would suck his, it would save me having to get up every bloody night to give it to him when he's lost it........ :roll:
Ava has had a dummy since she was a week old, trying at the moment just to let her have it during the day as its sooooo anoying when she spits it out half way through the night and i have to hunt in the dark to find it lol, however its great for when shes screaming at 4 am :D
both my babies liked to suck when new born. grace still has hers but only to get her to sleep. once she has dropped off we ease it out of her mouth so we dont have the problem of her crying for it in night. we did the same with mark and he no longer has his dummy. every now and then he tries to take graces but other than that we have had no problems weaning it off him.

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