very very faint positive test


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Hi Girls

thought I would share this. Last night I decided to do a pregnancy test only on the bases that it was sitting their but told myself i'd probably get a negative anyway as I was still 8 days before I am due on, so anyway I did the pregnancy test and have a very very faint positive. You can only just see the positive line but it's definitely there. In the past months I have put my test stitck in various positions to try and see a positive even going near the window but got nothing which would have been right as it was negative anyway but this one there is definetly a faint positive.

I've not got any symptoms really other than I have more of a discharge going on and am having sharp pains in my uturus area and this morning had loose bowles but other than that nothing, no morning sickness, sore boobs or anything.

So what do you peeps think? Am I reading too much into the faint positive do you think? I am going to test again probably on Wednesday but here I am hoping.

if there is a faint line there you prob are but just a bit too early to show up properly.

:pray: fingers crossed for you!
Those pains in your uterus area could've been implantation...
a girlfriend of mine had those, and rushed to the hospital only to be told she was pregnant, go home.

I agree with these ladies, sounds good and keep testing for darker lines.
u wouldnt get symptoms that early anyway, and i got pains around the time my period was due when i fell pregnant, it could be implantation.
good luck hope line gets darker 4 u
This happened to me with my little girl I got a very slight line, but I dismissed it as a couple of days later I had what I thought was my period. Anyway, I tested 2 weeks later and the line came up straight away. I'd say your pregnant, I've done loads of tests and never got a faint line again, it was just the one time I was actually pregnant.

Good Luck

ooooh it is very early but sounds promising- good luck :)
Fingers crosssed for you, I hope you get a BFP :pray:
With my second laddie I did my test about 7 days before I was due on my period and got the faintest line (had to hold it in the window to see it!), I was pretty convinced as I was a wired one and "just knew". However I did a test 2 weeks after that just to make sure and the line was still as faint. Not sure why but it didn't go as dark with him as it did the first time or this time. Hoping you get the result you want! :D
No tested yesterday and got a negative so i'm going to wait until perhaps the end of the week or if i'm really patient i'll wait until the weekend and see if P shows or not. Been having quite bad tummy aches and sharp pains in my uterus area so perhaps I am but will let everyone know asap.
Hi, i have thse pains in my side, how many dpo are you? I'm 7 and have been having those pains since around day 3dpo. i did a test today - absolutely stupid idea because i know it's too early - i only did it for fun and knew it would be negative anyway - I'm sure there was a faintest line there, wouldn't bet on it but I was more hopeful than normal.

I'm 9 days after OV so thinking I should be gettng more symptoms than i've got so maybe i'm not after all. I belly looks a bit bloated but then i'm due on at the weekend anyway so that could be that. I've definitely got faint positive lines on my tests but I don't know how long it took for them to come cause I got busy after doing them with my daugter and it could have been as long as an half an hr or so before reading them correctly so this probably makes them invalid. I've had more of an appertite in the last few days to the point last night I was actually craving sweet stuff and havent had that since I was pregnant with my daughter and my food craves with her was chocolate and spicey food like chicken madras which I now do not like. I've also had cravings for tic tacs the fruity ones and mints. Again this is probably my imagination. Something which is not my imagination is I have a different discharge than usual. So I don't know whats going on but I guess the time is getting nearer to finding out.

I do however wish I'd kept an old test strip to find out if they turned faint positives after a while.

Very best wishes for BFP's bowmanzoo and MicheLou :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Fingers crossed for you!! I have been getting the same pains. I am 10 dpo.

Good luck :) xxx

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