Very scared HELP ME


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Nov 27, 2018
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Please help me I'm so scared I'm around 6 weeks pregnant and had what I'd class as extreme pain on the lower right side followed by extreme over heating and sweating, I haven't lost any blood, just a tiny bit of pink discharge (excuse the details) every time I google it, it says awful things, I'm still in the early stages and it's too early to go to the doctors or hospital !? HELP
Ring your doctors as they should still see you and check you out/refer you to the hospital if needed.

I had an early scan arranged by my doctor at around 6 weeks because I had some bleeding.

Fingers crossed everything is okay
Check if there is an early pregnancy assessment unit in your area and give them a call. They will be able to talk to you and will get you in for a scan. Spotting doesn't necessarily mean bad but do get checked out x
I would check if there is an Early Pregnancy Unit in your area. Give them a call to see if they can give you any advice or see if you can be reffered by your doctor.

If your really worried or have any more pain or bleeding there is always A&E.

Hope everything is ok x
Please help me I'm so scared I'm around 6 weeks pregnant and had what I'd class as extreme pain on the lower right side followed by extreme over heating and sweating, I haven't lost any blood, just a tiny bit of pink discharge (excuse the details) every time I google it, it says awful things, I'm still in the early stages and it's too early to go to the doctors or hospital !? HELP

It’s not too early to go to the doctors or hospital- extreme pain and extreme over heating and sweating requires medical attention whether you are pregnant or not!

If you really are in extreme pain on one side personally I would go to A&E, don’t want to scare you but if there is extreme pain on one side there is a chance it’s ectopic, which is a medical emergency

If the pain has eased off and you feel ok again see if you can find your nearest early pregnancy unit and ring them and tell them what symptoms you have been experiencing, if you don’t have one near you ring your doctors and ask for an urgent appointment, if that fails go to a walk in centre, from what you e described about things being ‘extreme’ you do need to see someone asap x
Thank you all, maybe I over reacted and panicked a bit it's my first pregnancy and its just generally terrifying the extreme pain lasted about 30 seconds and made me curl into a ball and I had to breath through the pain, since this I haven't felt anymore or other pains I'm going to see and speak to someone tomorrow, I've since been assured it should just be usual pains or the pain could have been caused by a cyst or scar tissue which I wasn't/wouldn't be aware of was there ! Fingers crossed ! And thank you all for your advice x
Don't apologise we all worry and it's always better to be on the safe side. It's natural for you to panic, you don't know what's happening. Make sure you do get checked out. Although I'm sure it'll all be fine.
If it was eptopic or the beginning of a miscarriage the pain would be constant and would gradually get worse. I had stabbing pains in early pregnancy too, I'd already registered with a midwife and they sent me for a scan. It never showed any reason for the pain so they put it down to ligament pain.

If you start bleeding or the pain becomes constant or accompanied by shoulder tip pain then you should go straight to A&E or early pregnancy unit xx

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Thank you all ! You've really put my mind at rest, every little pain I'm worrying immediately but hopefully its just all normal pains.
Can I ask how everyone else's pains felt and where abouts? As mine seem to be one sided but I've been told that may just be the side that the egg has implanted. I'm kind of jumping to conclusions at each little ache and pain ��
I got loads of niggles and pains at the beginning, had period pain on and off all day for weeks, and sharp pains at the sides, it would be on one side one day and then swap to the other side the next day, the pains weren’t constant and I wouldn’t say they were extreme but they were definitely noticeable and I had a few panicked moments after having previous miscarriage, the pain you are experiencing could just be a cyst or a bit of scar tissue as you have said, or you may just be feeling the pains more then other women, I think people experience it to varying degrees, but you are right to go and get checked out, good luck and the chances are all is well! X
My pains where all one sided, on the left. They felt like sharp stabbing pains that would make me wince and hold my side. These last a week or more and was replaced by stabbing pains shooting up my vagina. All while getting on and off period type pains. Like you, I panicked over each new pain as this pregnancy follows a mmc and a mc this year, so every niggle set me on edge.

A he's and pains are really common in eat pregnancy and as said by someone else, some people experience them more tgan others. Or feel them more intensely than others.

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"...stabbing pains shooting up my vagina..." - This made me giggle, I remember a lady on here, gosh I can't recall her username now, but she referred to this as 'Lightning Crotch'. I found that to be such a good description hehehe
Lmao haha lightening crotch sounds about right! It's so intense, but only last seconds. It's awful when out in public as I had to fight the instinct to grab a hold of my lady garden! Lol, like that is gonna stop the pain. I end up just buckled over, legs crossed! Damn lightening crotch! Haha

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"...stabbing pains shooting up my vagina..." - This made me giggle, I remember a lady on here, gosh I can't recall her username now, but she referred to this as 'Lightning Crotch'. I found that to be such a good description hehehe

Another good one is “fanny daggers” ;)
Im exactly the same, sometimes its on the left side and sometimes the right. I have been assured its normal aslong as theres no bright red blood x
"...stabbing pains shooting up my vagina..." - This made me giggle, I remember a lady on here, gosh I can't recall her username now, but she referred to this as 'Lightning Crotch'. I found that to be such a good description hehehe
And what is this please? I had it today whilst driving and thought it could have been a miscarriage starting.

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