Very late! Chase Davis 14/06/14 10lbs 3oz


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Feb 25, 2013
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Wow.. Its been a long time since ive been on here.. I was very active until I went in to be induced at 12 days overdue with my boy.. I had a pretty awful labour and then he kept be busy until now!

So hello again!

My boy was due 31st May 2014, I was induced on the 13th June 2014.

I was already 3cm dilated for around 3-4 weeks.. i had 4 sweeps.

I Went in on the Friday with my husband, when they tried me with a pessary to start off with.. been having regular but almost Braxton hicks feeling contractions for around a week. Pessary did nothing and they said they would break my waters the next day.

11am.. after a sleepless night (lady in room next to me gave birth there... and oh did she scream, great to put my nerves at ease) i was told they were overrun and busy that when labour ward had a free bed they'd break my waters.

12pm.. Seen consultant who said 'woah you've got a big one on board' and was advised to prepare for a c section as she didn't think i'd be able to do it naturally. Also advised to have epidural very early on.

3pm.. bed finally available and they broke my waters.. i walked and walked.. still nothing.

4.30pm.. Put on drip to start contractions.. they kept checking if his head was moving down, but it seemed to be staying put. They kept increasing dose every 30 mins, at this point i really just wanted everything to get going.. never mind the thought of having a section.

5.30pm.. They came up to give me an epidural as they pretty much said you seriously need to consider it as he's very big. So although i was hoping not to, i followed their advice. They tried 4 times, and kept failing (im not a huge girl, size 16) Then the anthiesiest got called away...

6.30pm.. i remember sudden pain.. the contractions had really kicked in, the problem with being induced this way is that you and your body is not prepared for it, the pain was almost unbearable.. my boy was also back to back .. the pain was everywhere.

Now anytime between now and 7pm.. I remember sucking so hard on the gas and air, the consultant then checked me over and we were told his head hadn't moved much more, it was now stuck and beginning to swell =(

Emergency c section it was.

I remember then getting me to sign forms.. trying to move me onto bed to get to theatre.. and them telling me I couldn't take the gas and air on route made my world fall apart! lol

From this point, I seriously believe I met the best people possible.. The theatre staff were amazing.. even managing to make me laugh through the pain. I was still in agony but they had to TRY and get an epi in me, or it was going to be general anesthetic =( .. The senior surgeon, tried another 4 times!.. safe to say my back was black and blue.. the last one worked! After almost breaking my midwifes hand.. the pain faded and everything was numb.

The curtains were put up!.. me and my husband waited patiently.. I remember feeling like I was being rolled around the bed! such a weird feeling..
Then at 7.56pm They held my big beautiful boy up!

He weighed in at 10lb 3oz!

Perfectly healthy =)

Although my labour wasn't how I thought it would go, I felt like a failure for my body not being able to do it. We were told his cord was wrapped around his belly twice! This was why I wasn't able to labour naturally.
Its strange I went into suspected early labour at 36 weeks, when I went to 3cm! If the cord wasn't wrapped around his belly he would have made an appearance and not been so heavy =)

I blame the new county I moved to, in my old one they were going to scan me at term around 36 weeks, to check his size, they would have seen the cord and booked an induction in time. But my new midwifes refused to scan 'we don't do that here' I blame them completely for what I went through and what could have been a very different outcome for my little boy.

If you didn't get bored and read to the end! Thank you =) Any spelling mistakes if me typing quick while he's napping lol!

Hes now 16 weeks and such a naughty cheeky smiley little man.
Congratulations!! And well done :)
Wow what an ordeal you went through, well done you and congrats on your not so little boy :D xox
Hi Julie - first up congratulations :)

Us June mummies have a group on FB now which is brill PM me and I can add you to it :) xx
Gosh, what a wonderful result after such a scary and Long wait. Just thank heavens you had such a great team when it was needed eh? And congratulations on such a bonny boy, as someone who had a 10lb baby I fully understand the difficulties, not just birth, but that IS quite a weight to carry, especialy with a c section scar! Well done xxx
Congratulations!..Sounds a lot like what happened to me but my baby was tiny compared to yours..A healthy weight indeed :D
Thanks a lot everyone =) ... he's tiny now though! Born on 98th centile and now below the 75th! lol x

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