very high kicks!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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My god......i have started to get very high kicks all of a sudden today...

literally just under my ribs on the right hand boo def moved up. not a bit of wonder the heartburn has started the last couple of days xx
Makes a change for u Hun! Glad boo boo has finally moved round. Shame about the heartburn tho :( I've not had it (yet!)

Pip has been kicking my bellybutton loads this evening. Its the worst place he kicks! Feels gross! He is usually a right rib kicker, but today I've been getting them all over. Think he is makin the most of the space before he gets too big!!
i have been getting them all over today too......but now they are high up.

i hate the belly button ones too....they proper make me jump.

yeah i have been so used to all the low kicks, this is a right novelty!! although am getting low down nudges, think that must be hands down there....basically boo boo is having a right old party in there....

must be the grapes i had before xx
Mint matchmakers always make Pip kick :) he must like the taste they give the fluid! Lol! I don't mind eating them tho so it's all good :D
i will have to try them....for experimental purposes only of course :) xx
Of course! I love the crunch of the minty bits - oh and the chocolate :D
My little man feels like he is dancing right on my cervix! It feels like having a smear test over and over - not good!
Mint matchmakers are my addiction - actually, I crave any chocolate that has a crunchy bit in and a strong flavour - am buying any brand of after dinner mint that I see on offer!
My little man feels like he is dancing right on my cervix! It feels like having a smear test over and over - not good!
Mint matchmakers are my addiction - actually, I crave any chocolate that has a crunchy bit in and a strong flavour - am buying any brand of after dinner mint that I see on offer!
feeling exactly the same its a nasty feeling. Makes me feel a little sick. I just brought some mint matchmakers from tesco cos they were a £1 a box but I didn't realise how much I wanted to eat them till I smelt them. They are meant to be for children in need night but can't see them lasting. lol
well boo boo has changed position....again...and the kicks are low down again, yep...back on my cervix too!!! xx

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